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Recent reviews by Thahl

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565.1 hrs on record (500.7 hrs at review time)
The game might be 2D but it won't stop you from spiraling into the abyss.
Posted 21 November, 2023.
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1.4 hrs on record
My right hand finally got as much of a workout as my left.
Posted 29 March, 2022.
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39.3 hrs on record (16.6 hrs at review time)
There are a hundred reasons to play this, and even more if you have friends.

On the other hand, true to the D&D style, every Wizard and their mother knows the one and best spell to ever grace the brain of nerds across the world; Fireball. Hope you weren't too attached to your character if you haven't found an item of Magic Resistance.

Oh, and boulders. Those will crush you and your dreams.
Posted 31 December, 2020.
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2.0 hrs on record
Not even the Emperor can protect against Loot Box style progression.
Posted 27 December, 2018.
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237.4 hrs on record (166.8 hrs at review time)
Every time you think you've gotten good at this game, a naked invader will come along to prove you wrong.

11/10, would get obliterated by a hobo wielding a gargantuan dragon tooth again.
Posted 15 May, 2018.
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623.5 hrs on record (459.6 hrs at review time)
This game suffers from a few things. Notably, the pricetag and bad launch stigma. I didn't buy this while it was on sale, but I would definitely recommend picking this up when it's on sale if you're willing to spend the time to learn the game's mechanics and hero moveset variety. (Easy to learn, hard to master.)

The game does indeed have in-game microtransactions, but if you spend your Steel wisely, you can always remain on top of a subscription that'll net you faster leveling, loot and, well, more Steel. Other than the subscription, there are skins and effects and other such things of that nature, which are also purchasable with Steel (Though the grind is very intensive if you choose that route)

For Honor, over time, has had a steady stream of updates which have done a great service in keeping the game fresh. Though, sadly, some of these updates have been for the worse, and took some time to be fixed down the line. (I'm looking at you, Centurion. You spammy ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.) One of the largest, and if not biggest additions that came to For Honor was the inclusion of Dedicated Servers back in February. This was probably the most detrimental problem when For Honor launched, and earned it a very, VERY negative reputation. Peer to peer was fine for those of us with not-potatoes, but occassionally you would run into someone from the dark ages, ruining (if not entirely breaking) a match.

Overall, the game is pretty solid for a skill-based fighting game. Don't expect any revolutionary changes from one match to the next, though. This game is about mastery, and if you have the patience for it, you'll have a lot of fun becoming the top dog. The game can seem very unbalanced at times, and not all characters are equal. Some excel in situations where others don't, that kind of thing. For example, if you pick a fight with a Shugoki, Lawbringer, Raider, or Centurion on a bridge... don't expect to not be 6+300 feet under at the end of that skirmish. But on an equal playing field, from all my hours, I can say that all heroes are equally lethal. Some are just easier to pick up than others.

(I should note, that like any fighting game, there is spamming. This is easy enough to counter with practice, but there are some skills that are or will become broken. All a part of the balance cycle.) (Also, I believe that some countries don't have their own servers yet? I would look into this matter if you're not usually a part of North American, European, or the Oceanic servers.)

Oh, and one last thing. Don't let the game's title fool you. There is no honor here. You'll be met with only wolves and vultures for that old faith. Except for maybe in 1v1. Still some old souls there who cling to that belief.
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------^Positive review from 2018^

This game is surprisingly still alive. Don't contribute to that. Let it die.
It exists only now to part you from your money in the form of increasingly power creeped champions, and now dozens (hundreds?) of cosmetics, with no significant changes to the game's economy to help you keep up with all this. You get around ~1,000 steel daily from completing all your orders. A brand new hero costs 15,000 steel. The fanciest cosmetic sets, 20,000. Or, alternatively, you could pay $20 to just get it now, or take advantage of the new hero deals that exist, getting you a hero, some premium time, and steel crates for $7.99. Collectively, all of these hero bundles total up to $40, but if you include the Marching Fire expansion, (which locks an entire game mode called arcade behind itself) you would be paying $70 as it unlocks 4 heroes of the Wu Lin faction to play. But all of that isn't so bad in my book, I've paid more for much less significant things in other games. It's the consistent power creep, and the absolute disregard for the neck high ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ it creates for all of the heroes that came before them. If you were to play the singleplayer game mode for whatever reason, thinking that THIS is what For Honor plays like, you would throw your controller or keyboard through the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ screen once you queued into multiplayer. The game, through years of attempts at balancing and reworking, has gotten so fast, spammy, and downright infuriating to even play that I can barely associate it with the game I beta-tested and pre-ordered.

There is no balance
There is no serotonin
There is no honor

Just you witnessing a bunch of un-block-dodge-whateverables turn your screen into a sea of orange followed by a $7 curbstomp/spit execution.
Posted 6 May, 2018. Last edited 9 September, 2022.
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1,445.5 hrs on record (929.0 hrs at review time)
The best $10 (Or less) you could ever spend on a game. 'Nuff said. -2016

Edit: A year later, I still stand by this statement. -2017

Edit 2: Still great. -2018

Edit 3: It's been a few years and a thousand hours, on a game that cost me only a couple dollars which is still somehow getting updates. There's not enough good things I can say about Terraria, it's one of the greatest examples of how good indie games can be.
Posted 24 November, 2016. Last edited 26 November, 2021.
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