76561199163383771 2023. júl. 9., 0:14 
signed by me :) lets play
Bait 2022. dec. 21., 22:00 
Hello, I would like to ask if you trade humble bundle cd-keys, even if you do not trade them, I am looking for a few old bundled ones, so you might have a few and I'm ready to offer some games from your wishlist, in case you are interested - accept my friendship, I'm also ready to go first if we find decent trade for both of us, thanks(seen your profile on games collectors group)
VonZonk 2021. ápr. 23., 5:08 
I will try it! Scammy Scam! :2016imnotcrying:
👩🏿‍🎤 Macy 2020. jan. 19., 7:39 
🎽🥒💛 Performance review for Täzz 💄📕🎍

Täzz has a powerful physique, suited for heavyweight jobs, or situations when it’s an advantage to appear strong. Reaches a decision rapidly after taking account of all likely outcomes and estimating the route most likely to bring success. The decisions almost always turn out to be good ones. When dressed for the job, personal appearance and dress immediately impress. Distinctive, perhaps distinguished. A self-starter – someone who always finds out the right thing to do and gets on with the job. If a manager has given no guidance Täzz will still take appropriate action. If the required tools are unavailable, they is able to improvise.

😺 + 🐳 = 🥗
Protez Kol 2017. ápr. 20., 6:05 
Joris 2017. jan. 5., 6:02 
ich rede gerne mit Tazz. er ist super nett!! :steamhappy:
ausbrowncoat 2014. jún. 25., 9:34 
+rep thanks for the trade :)
Tikie 2013. júl. 27., 17:34 
Einen Kommentar hinzufügen
Toni S. 2013. júl. 18., 12:52 
Los kommmentiert mein Kommentar ;)
Ricehamster 2013. febr. 11., 13:19 
Ich bins Martinique solltest du meine Freundschaftsanfrage erhalten haben
Tkay 2012. júl. 10., 14:42 
Hier einen Kommentar einfügen...
Tikie 2011. dec. 13., 7:49 
Hier einen Kommentar verfassen...
Toni S. 2011. máj. 28., 7:13 
Hier einen Kommentar schreiben...
76561198005431596 2010. máj. 16., 4:54 
Doorz 2010. ápr. 6., 1:30 
2048 richtig goil
76561198005431596 2010. febr. 19., 22:23 