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491.5 ч. всего (344.3 ч. в момент написания)
Well done. Your game now has a playable framrate on the average PC, really good work guys. Now fix the rubber banding at the start of everyone round that has nothing to do with ping but still manages to ruin 90% of matches. :D
Опубликовано 22 ноября 2017 г.. Отредактировано 23 декабря 2017 г..
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2,131.5 ч. всего (1,444.6 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор CS:GO
Good game 2/15 ;)
Tiananmen square
Nothing happened am I right china? :D
Опубликовано 2 июня 2016 г.. Отредактировано 2 ноября 2019 г..
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22.7 ч. всего
Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
6 years later and maybe some content will be released.
Опубликовано 23 апреля 2016 г..
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8.6 ч. всего (1.1 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор продукта в раннем доступе
Tabletop Simulator

This is the perfect game for a group of friends in a skype call or Ventrillo chat room ;P
You can do just about whatever you want play any board game you can think of...
The mechanics which are very simples are also very solid and the physics are just hilarious.
This is another really good group comedy game. It could be taken seriously but in my opinion this game truly shines when its being played by a group of friends who are trying to have a laugh.
And the Flip the table option really helps this xD

Only Issue which can't really be fixed is the fact that each boardgame has to be downloaded as a mod which could be an issue for some people with slow internet speeds or low amounts of bandwidth.
Опубликовано 16 января 2015 г..
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1.1 ч. всего (1.0 ч. в момент написания)
Mount Your Friends

Great fun for everyone!
The real fun in this game comes out when playing with groups of friends.
You can customize your characters face with pictures of your friends or their family etc..
This game truly focuses on what its good at and that is making you laugh.
For the low price tag this is a must buy especially if its on sale.

Опубликовано 16 января 2015 г..
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0.7 ч. всего
DO... NOT... BUY... THIS... GAME...
It is to the point that I would call it a disgrace to the XCOM name.
It is barely even finished. The art is horrible and the gameplay is worse.
This is not an XCOM game this is a horrible rip of piece of crap.
Please if you are going to buy this game buy it for under $5 as it is worth not one more cent.

The ideas were good and it could of even been a good game but they didn't implement anything well..
The turnbased system didnt seem to work well with the switches back into normal gameplay.
And it all there faces looked like cardboard cut outs.
At least watch a youtube video before you buy this game if you don't beleive me.

I had high hopes for the newest add on to the XCOM franchise but I rate this..
Опубликовано 6 января 2015 г..
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1.7 ч. всего
Damned is a 5 player Exploration / horror game that pitts player against monster

4 people are trying to escape from an unknown location whilst the 5th is trying to stop them.
the monster...
The monster can play as one of three monsters that are equally glitchy.

Its a basic room to room jump scare bore fest...
By the time me and my friends had gotten into a game (Which took almost an hour) we were kicked out almost instantly due to unknown issues.

So 2 hrs later we were in a working game only to realise that it wasnt actually worth it. You have a basic flashlight that flickers offen showing that you need to find more batteries and he only real objective is to find an almost invisible key.

The artwork is mediocre but I guess thats what you expect when you buy an indie horror game.

To be honest I don't need to say anymore the bugs speak for themselves...
Опубликовано 6 января 2015 г.. Отредактировано 6 января 2015 г..
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21.2 ч. всего (18.4 ч. в момент написания)
Warframe is a free 3rd person Instance based mmo, to truly get into this game it requires more time than I have put into it so don't solely base your opinion on this game off my review.

Warframe in my opinion takes a long time and a lot of grinding to start having fun with..
You begin with basic equipment and weapons that arent horrible so you not left that far behind, but you will soon be grinding constantly for your next weapon or suit.

The game itself has a very loose story and backstory that you dont have to pay any attention to if you dont want to.

Your character is "Tenno" and you play as a warframe or in my eyes just a fancy coloured mech. Each warframe has certain perks and 4 special abilities and you take on typical mmo roles of damage, tank and healer.

The artwork is actually pretty good for a free to play game, its very colourful and can even look pretty but because you are always moving around very quickly or getting mobbed by enemies you don't really get time to have a good look.

To be honest its a very good game but its just not for me. I would suggest that if you were to start playing, get some friends who have already played to either teach you or carry you through the lower stages of the game.

I rate it 8/10
Опубликовано 6 января 2015 г..
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5.8 ч. всего
This game is a third person RPG that truly resembles RPGs around the Era of Oblivion and to be honest if it had been released then it would of made millions. But the timing was not right.

It seemed unfinished with only one model for each weapon type and barely any difference in armour.

The combat was interesting with different specialised weapons to use with each class. The action bar worked especially well for it. The main mechanic that the combat was all based around was a sort of slow mo that seems to make you do extra damage whilst giving you the ability to do very impressive final hits or death blows. The class systems truly do make a difference and seem to be the biggest decision you will make in the game. The special attacks and weapons were the high point as well as the blends of the difference classes. (I played a Rogue/Mage)

The world reminded me a lot of the original Fable with the same reputation system and choice system. But your decisions didnt really feel like they were making a difference... Except for maybe a few larger points.

The artwork once again reminded me of Fable but the render distance for me was an issue. The world was always fun to explore with secrets hidden everywhere and new towns and houses to explore.

The questing was good and it didnt make you feel like you were grinding like some other RPGs. There are hundreds of side quests to spend your time on until you decide whether you want to buy the DLC or not.

Overall I loved this game even though it had its issues..
If it had a little more time and maybe more funding? It could of been amazing but this is where it was at, I have heard that modding the game can fix a lot of the issues I had with it such as the weapon models.

I rate it a 7/10
Опубликовано 6 января 2015 г..
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3.9 ч. всего (2.9 ч. в момент написания)
Обзор продукта в раннем доступе

This game was made well. It knows what it is and sticks to that, It doesnt pretend to be a big fancy action game and it plays on that. This games fun comes from the crazy customisation of your tanks or ships or just about whatever you want to build.

The combat isnt amazing its mostly just holding left click but that hilarious breakdowns of opponents robots can be worth 10 mins of driving around. The guns on your robots are made to destroy and that they do well. With a few bullets you can knock off opponents wheels, guns, satelites leaving them defenceless, One shot to their character or avatar inside the robot and they are out for good.

Now the customisation follows various skill or unlock trees. As you play you will get amounts of the two currencys which are used to buy the parts and unlock the parts. You can follow a few different paths on the unlock trees the three main paths/branchs being

1- Movement - Focuses on new movement items such as jets, hot air ballons and wheels
2- Armour - Focuses on new blocks to craft your robots out of.
3- Weapons - Focuses on new tiers of the same gun or new guns all together.

The fourth minor tree is based around tech such as satelites and an item that un-flips your robot.

One issue is that a lot of these things will take some time to reach along the skill trees so be prepared for some grinding.

Overall if your looking for some free to play fun with some friends I definitely recommend this game.

Its a 8/10 from me
Опубликовано 1 января 2015 г..
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