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Neue Rezensionen von Takashiwolf

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2 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
0.3 Std. insgesamt
A fun jaunt to past classic style horror games; terrific atmosphere and sound, nifty stories to ponder and respond to. A great way to start the holiday season, looking forward to future stuff!
Verfasst am 8. Dezember 2022.
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5.4 Std. insgesamt (4.0 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
A nice small game to kick back and unwind/relax with. Well worth the asking price.
Verfasst am 2. Dezember 2019.
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4 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
1,329.4 Std. insgesamt (1,121.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
It’s difficult for me to review this game, as ever since playing the public beta it instantly grabbed me as being one of the best games I’ve ever played, despite it being a combination of games I’m not really the biggest fan of, such as WoW and Borderlands being a few examples. But this mixture of gameplay, visuals, story, is simply put nothing but amazing. There’s a reason this game isn’t ‘dead’ as many keep saying it falsely is over and over. There is simply nothing else like it. It’s not yet another CoD clone, WoW clone, or copying any other game. It is incredibly unique and fresh, and deservers to be continued.

However I’m not one to be blinded by fanboyism, there are things wrong with this game that does need to be fixed and rectified. While recent updates have shown great promise of keeping this game going for awhile yet and solving several issues, there still isn’t a solid anti-hack/cheat system in place. The ‘light zone’ as you’ll come to know it as should have been utilized better (thankfully patch 1.8 gives promise to fixing that in the future). Many features that were promised have been added in new updates, but not all of them.

The TLDR; this game is astonishing and truly is worth a try. Nab it on sale or give the first 6 hours free a try! A note, a lot of good ‘end game’ content comes after reaching level 30, which sadly can’t be used that much until you reach it. So don’t give up so soon, there’s a ton of great stuff at the end of the tunnel waiting!
Verfasst am 9. Dezember 2017.
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8 Personen fanden diese Rezension hilfreich
27.3 Std. insgesamt
It pains me to write a negative review on this game for it does have so many qualities that I love about a good indie game. Awesome soundtrack, cute visual style, quirky and smart humor/writing, unique city planning and ‘building’ system. But I feel people should know what their getting into and the issues this game has.

One being the gameplay, far too many cards are locked at the start and it takes a very substantial amount time and XP to unlock them. Not that I have anything against unlocks or level systems I just feel the starting deck amount is not very diverse and the early games feel pretty ‘samey’ even with the different playable characters. Another issue is how brutally unforgiving the game is. Again don’t get me wrong I feel too many games nowadays are cakewalks but theres a difference between being challengingly fun and just plain downright unfair. Too many times I’ll have a good row of points then in one swoop the AI gains a F**k you card and can trash the whole row instantly. Which in turn means you lost the half-hour match and gain absolutely ZERO XP at the end. It feels more like luck based rather than skill and the odds are ever not in your favor. Yeah, not my cup o’ tea or idea of a fun time.

Other issues include the visual style. As mentioned above I do enjoy the overall look of this game but it feels somewhat ‘dead’ at times with how lively the music and spectacular voice acting is. The only animations are the cars zooming around the roads at 200mph, even when slowed down in the options, and sometimes the factories smokestacks plume flat identical smoke effects. And that’s about it, living breathing alive city this ain’t. No people walking around, no signs blinking on buildings, no windows being washed or parks bustling with patrons. There is a pretty nifty rain cycle but more details such as perhaps snow or clouds would have been great. Now from what I understand reading the Dev blog and news clips this game will eventually gain a day/night cycle and perhaps some more details. Here’s hoping.

There’s also a feeling of a lack of features. While theres no online multiplayer, which personally doesn’t bother me any, I feel that for what they were going for with the VS mode there should have at least been an LAN option. As is you have to share the same screen/PC to play it with another person. Also no Mac or Linux support? I can tell that decision has exiled a lot of potential players. The Steam Workshop would also be perfect for this game. Custom card creation or heck even actual card trading on the market that can be played in game like IRL games!

In the end, yeah I’m sorta kicking myself for spending full price getting this game. But at least I have the good feeling of supporting the little guys making games with their hearts and not mega corps only after the money. I’d say its sill worth getting 50% off, but consider the issues and read the other reviews here before buying so you really know what you’re getting yourself into.

UPDATE Late 2017

Alright so over a year later this game has gotten a few updates, such as the night cycle, some balances, new cards, and other small tweaks, and yes it has gotten better. I wish there was more content being added but I think it’s the end of development. Regardless I still think everyone should in fact give this game a try and support small game dev’s.

This is way I really hate the up or down thumbs vote. There REALLY needs to be a middle ground ratting. I’m keeping it thumbs down for this reason; the game still is too unfair at times that is at the mercy of a slot machine luck chance. Yes life isn’t fair, but there are still too many moments where you try so hard to use strategy and gear up for a sweet rolling lane sweep, only for the AI to crush that chance and gain 100+ points all of a sudden in one turn. Otherwise, solid game, wish it was on sale this Fall 2017.
Verfasst am 24. Januar 2016. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 22. November 2017.
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