salt 2022年10月26日 21時33分 
day 69 of clapping his bugs
salt 2022年9月10日 21時20分 
day 23 of clapping his bugs xD
salt 2022年9月8日 20時55分 
day 21 of clapping his bugs cuh (i been sick for the past week i have medical cert)
salt 2022年9月4日 1時06分 
day 16 of clapping his bugs cuh no cap
salt 2022年9月3日 5時35分 
day 15 of clapping his bugs no cap ong cuh
salt 2022年9月1日 7時16分 
day 14 of clapping his bugs cuh no cap
salt 2022年8月30日 6時12分 
day 12.695 of clapping his bugs
salt 2022年8月28日 2時04分 
day 11 of clapping his bugs
salt 2022年8月27日 1時07分 
day 10.5 of clapping his bugs
salt 2022年8月26日 8時24分 
day 10 of clapping his bugs ONG
salt 2022年8月25日 3時51分 
day 9 of clapping his bugs
salt 2022年8月24日 1時48分 
day 8 of clapping his bugs
salt 2022年8月22日 0時20分 
day 7.5 of clapping his bugs
FG42 2022年8月21日 8時12分 
So you're going by "acieL" now nerd? Haha whats up douche bag, it's Tanner from Highschool. Remember me? Me and the guys used to give you a hard time in school. Sorry you were just an easy target lol. I can see not much has changed. Remember Sarah the girl you had a crush on? Yeah we're married now. I make over 200k a year and drive a mustang GT. I guess some things never change huh loser? Nice catching up lol. Pathetic..
salt 2022年8月21日 8時11分 
day 7 of clapping his bugs
salt 2022年8月21日 1時58分 
day 6 of clapping his bugs
salt 2022年8月19日 2時25分 
day 4 of clapping his bugs
salt 2022年8月16日 23時17分 
day 2 of clapping his bugs
salt 2022年8月16日 0時33分 
day 1 of clapping his bugs
gibb00b 2022年8月15日 6時47分 
superman out, ur bugs sucks
gibb00b 2022年8月15日 6時46分 
♥♥♥♥♥♥, get smoked lad
salt 2022年8月14日 3時42分 
tito kuya you need to relax man why you rage in 1v1?
milk.gov.uk 2022年5月24日 10時34分 
dude the cobble generator just gave me obsidian what did i do wrong?
milk.gov.uk 2021年11月18日 4時10分 
Hey mate. How are you? Nice pic, you are hot! Mate I'll be upfront, I have a bit of an uncommon fetish. Basically I get off seeing a dude blowing up balloons to the point of bursting. Seeing the guy acting macho and showing off, fearlessly pushing it past its limit. You look like you'd be good at it. Ever blown a balloon till it burst stud?
ThirtyTwelve 2021年11月13日 1時26分 
FG42 2021年8月20日 18時36分 
"Medu-chan is so swy~ tewwing me to do this to danchou."
FG42 2021年8月20日 18時36分 
Usually when you go home, the sense of familiarity of your own room will make you feel relaxed and comfortable, but this familiarity I'm feeling right now instead has caused me to freeze in fear of what is to come.

"Danchou-chan danchou-chan, can you describe it to me what are you touching?"

It was all too familiar of a feeling, and this familiarity will be the death of my sanity.

I gulped, inhaled.

"It's an 11 inch futa ♥♥♥♥"
FG42 2021年8月20日 18時36分 
"Danchou~~" Satyr whispered into my ears.

Shivers crawl on my back.

"Can you feel it? Ehehe."

She holds my hand and slowly moves it across her upper thigh.

"Medu-chan is so sly~ telling me to do this to danchou."

For some reason I couldn't muster myself to move my hand away, its hard to tell whether I'm in fear, or am I just too excited.

"Are you feeling it Danchou?" she whispers closer, I can feel her warm breath caress my ears, but in this situation it felt more like a chill.

I noticed it the moment my hand reached into the inner parts of her crotch.
FG42 2021年7月4日 2時27分 
i hope your firstborn catches ligma
FG42 2021年6月14日 23時03分 
A little bit of Monika in my life A little bit of Monika by my side A little bit of Monika is all I need A little bit of Monika is what I see A little bit of Monika in the sun A little bit of Monika all night long A little bit of Monika here I am A little bit of you makes me your man
FG42 2021年6月10日 3時25分 
cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool. cool.
FG42 2021年6月10日 3時12分 
I love ♥♥♥♥
Thirty 2021年5月18日 19時40分 
Thirty 2021年5月18日 19時34分 
My son is 13, recently I've bought him a body pillow of a cartoon he liked and I've noticed he made a hole in it, does this mean he doesn't like the pillow? Should I buy him a new one?
FG42 2021年4月28日 21時12分 
A story that makes you uncomfortable is not necessarily a bad story. Sometimes we need to have our views and ideas challenged, and I think Kayari can provide that for fans of dark fantasy anime/LNs. Again, you know damn well if this show is for you or not. If you’re just gonna have a meltdown about how edgy it is, just stay away.

Kayari gets 10 heals out of 10.
FG42 2021年4月28日 21時12分 
One negative thing about the anime, is the fact that Keyaru’s desire to not hurt anyone who hasn’t hurt him isn’t emphasised. I think that caused a lot of people to hate him as an MC because of the cut monologues that provide context about his emotional state. While Keyaru is not a good guy in the traditional sense, he is not out to hurt people who have not abused him or hurt his companions. He’s not just out raping and killing people for the sake of it.

On the animation quality side of things, I think TNK did a better job than I was expecting. The fight scenes are surprisingly well done and the sex scenes are as fluid as you’d hope. I do think the OST was pretty weak, but that’s a rather minor complaint.
FG42 2021年4月28日 21時12分 
In traditional series like this, you have a MC who is afraid of hurting people, afraid of women and just a beta male in general. What I love about Keyaru is the fact that he just doesn’t give a ♥♥♥♥. He’s not afraid to tear people apart, literally and figuratively, and he reacts how a normal person in his situation would. I love that. What people often forget about when they write negative reviews and talk about the MCs use of rape as a weapon, is the emotional, physical and psychological abuse that he endured at the hands of the people he gets revenge on. Yes, rape is horrible, but in the context of Kayari it is totally understandable from a literary and logical standpoint why its used in the story.
FG42 2021年4月28日 21時12分 
Finally, after all these years, the definitive magnum opus of the Japanese anime industry is here. Eva who? Shingeki no what? Redo of healer is unironically one of the best shows in recent memory. It’s not for everyone, in fact it’s probably not for most people. That’s fine. It was for me.

“You only like Redo because of how edgy it is” Well, you’re not wrong. What makes Kayari so enjoyable is not its story, which is actually pretty good in its own right, but its unique take on the dark fantasy general and how it takes traditional preconceptions of what a MC has to be, and turns them on their head. We have all the same traditional set ups that we’re accustomed to with this genre. JRPG inspired world, OP MC surrounded by a harem of girls, setting out on a quest, etc, ect. Where the series sets itself apart from others is the MCs approach to revenge and life.
FG42 2021年4月18日 6時26分 
FG42 2021年4月18日 6時26分 
FG42 2021年4月8日 9時52分 
FG42 2021年3月15日 0時19分 
He gets dressed and goes outside. He's feeling hungry and wants to eat some McDonalds along a load of other high calorie, sugary ♥♥♥♥. He knows he consumes what he likes, and remains shredded all year round. Because after all, he grew up on a farm drinking raw milk, making him robust and setting him up for life.

It's been 5 minutes and he's already been approached by several HQNP women while mogging every male in the vicinity. One incel attempted to take his picture to post online but Chad sensed this and shot him a piercing gaze, causing him to norwood on the spot.
FG42 2021年3月15日 0時19分 
It's been a long day for Chad. He's woken up hungover after having a wild orgy with 4 Stacies. They've just left his house and Chad's still sitting in his underwear, thinking about which girl he's going to call over next. Although, due to his superior genetics, his hangover lasts for about 5 mins max before he's at his full physical and mental potential.

He then hears a knock on his door. He gracefully makes his way across the room, being carried by his monster, non-gymcelled quads, as his mandible remains parallel to the floor beneath him, supported by his 90 degree gonial angle.

He opens the door to find the manlet landlord staring at him with his incel bug eyes. The landlord breaks out into an instant sweat due to the severe mog he just suffered. He starts stuttering, telling Chad that he has 10 mins to leave the house, before retreating into his cave to ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ on /fit/. Chad doesn't give a ♥♥♥♥ because of his zero inhibition.
FG42 2021年3月15日 0時19分 
FG42 2021年3月15日 0時19分 
FG42 2021年3月15日 0時18分 
she wont come back to me please send help
FG42 2021年3月14日 16時21分 
Rawr X3 *nuzzles* How are you? *pounces on you* you're so warm o3o *notices you have a bulge* someone's happy! *nuzzles your necky wecky* ~murr~ hehe ;) *rubbies your bulgy wolgy* you're so big! *rubbies more on your bulgy wolgy* it doesn't stop growing .///. *kisses you and licks your neck* daddy likes ;) *nuzzle wuzzle* I hope daddy likes *wiggles butt and squirms* I wanna see your big daddy meat! *wiggles butt* I have a little itch o3o *wags tails* can you please get my itch? *put paws on your chest* nyea~ it's a seven inch itch *rubs your chest* can you pwease? *squirms* pwetty pwease? :( I need to be punished *runs paws down your chest and bites lip* like, I need to be punished really good *paws on your bulge as I lick my lips* I'm getting thirsty. I could go for some milk *unbuttons your pants as my eyes glow* you smell so musky ;) *licks shaft* mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm so musky ;) *drools all over your ♥♥♥♥* your daddy meat.
FG42 2021年2月15日 23時42分 
Ok. That's the last straw. I don't think I can be your friend anymore if you keep telling people that I have sex with rats (i never have never will). I have wives to take care of. I cannot sit here all day and listen to your delusions! Please Get Help, Stop Eating Carpets. Stop Denying Your Sexuality. Goodbye "Lesbian".
FG42 2020年8月16日 21時44分 
Sorry, no girls allowed upstairs.

It's for little boys only.
FG42 2020年8月16日 21時44分 
the only thing ure capable of exhausting is the entire teams brain capacity after typing XD in chat for the 3rd time in a row while playing yuumi like the e girl support you are