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yhteensä 820 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 13.5.
yhteensä 67 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 7.5.
yhteensä 13,7 tuntia
Pelattu viimeksi 2.5.
]Prophet[ 30.12.2022 klo 9.17 

Add me and If im on I can help you as well.

Comissar person[FIN] 26.12.2022 klo 12.32 
saw your destiny forum post, if ye still need help, just add me, i could try to help ye out
PabloKharo 17.12.2022 klo 7.33 
Hi, yesterday added you to friends to get dsx app from giveaway. Could you give it, please?
alveysrock 26.3.2022 klo 12.27 
Hey bro down to play zero hour
Singularity 4.3.2022 klo 9.44 
https://discord.gg/4W65tQygtf join to our game ds server, lets talk
Sensational 20.10.2021 klo 21.24 
https://s.team/chat/ETu4GnXA heres a steam group chat to find infinite warfare public matches