$kr@ 17. led. 2019 v 13.41 
+REP really friendly guy :) much love :* (no ♥♥♥♥)
kaio 15. led. 2019 v 17.14 
Kaip sakant, kaip sakant kaip sakant sakant sakant sakant.
sFX'3d 15. led. 2019 v 12.10 
+ rep geras trade tarpininkas
sFX'3d 9. led. 2019 v 15.31 
This kid sometimes rage like a devil himself, but if he manage to keep calm he can be realy good + rep allways nice to play game of csgo with u man. :steamsalty:
Newo 2. led. 2019 v 2.18 
Newo 2. led. 2019 v 2.18 
+rep friendly and funny guy and really gooo player
Unknown 23. čvn. 2018 v 11.09 
+rep Maladec ciuvelis :)