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Posted: 21 Apr @ 4:42am
Updated: 21 Apr @ 4:43am

I have no idea what Chex cereal is.

Chex Quest HD is a remake of a cult-classic DOOM WAD from 1996, packaged within cereal boxes and granting kids the special ability to play a non-violent game, parentally approved.

Chex Quest HD runs on Unreal Engine 4, a touch overkill yet a pleasant change from the safe option of Unity. For this, the visuals look gorgeous; the rich, saturated colours pop and feel like a breath of fresh air for an FPS game. The colourful, razor-sharp cutscenes look brilliant at 1440p, with all due credit to the game’s talented digital painters.

Equally refreshing is gathering fruit for HP, and “teleporting” the alien Flemoids back home instead of wiping them out. Level design follows basic mazes littered with key cards and detours. All said and done, it’s extremely simplistic and can be completed in under 60 minutes. Each level has around 4 secrets in genuinely sneaky yet non-obtuse locations, and the ambient occlusion and shadowing create environments with more depth than your typically flat cartoon image.

In contrast to the original, Chex Quest HD has a painfully sluggish movement speed. Sprint is available, but its use is limited and, combined with the tight FOV, can easily make you feel nauseous. The lack of secret notifications, or a map, makes it difficult to know if you’ve 100%’d a level too. Overall, Chex Quest HD is a fun change of pace visually but doesn’t offer much more gameplay-wise than the most basic of DOOM wads.
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