Sugar   United States
This is like the awesome profile, so if your reading this... your awesome! Yes I called you awesome, isn't that awesome? So like don't like giveing that much infomation out, but the main one that I will give is I AM A GIRL!! I like have tons of friends, sure I will add you if you add me! Ask me and maybe we could play a game together, maybe like TF2, or HL2 DM! I might have more, you can ask me...

I have to say, FailCake is the COOLEST person ever!!! You wouldn't believe what he did... he gave me some games! I don't know how to tell you how much I loved that, so THANK YOU SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO MUCH!

Leave comments, but don't make it stupid... but I would read it anyway, because I like reading what people say :D

Friend of the week:
Saba is the friend of the week! yay! (seri still is my love tho! muahaha) I love saba tho cause he is a good friend, and even if he is going though rough times I will always be there for him! I might be hard on you sometimes like saying you have to gain (just learned how to spell that) my love well I bet he will! I LOVE YOU SABA!

Something About Me;
Girly Girl by Heart, Tomb boy by Soul

현재 오프라인
Nigglebaun 2010년 11월 26일 오전 7시 51분 
*wanders by and leaves a taco platter on the table and then wanders off towards 7-11*
SugarCube 2010년 10월 15일 오전 8시 49분 
My brother has convinced me to come back on!!
FailCake 2010년 6월 29일 오후 1시 58분 
were have you been sugar?
Knightley Knight :3 <3 2010년 5월 28일 오전 4시 18분 
KK: Hello. >=D
NinjaKittie 2010년 4월 16일 오후 3시 38분 
WIFEY!!!!!!! <3 Lol haha Love you girlly lol haha :D
Seriouser 2010년 4월 13일 오후 6시 03분 
Okay lol. I was kinda sad for a moment then i read "(seri still is my love tho! muahaha)" Sooooooo I ish happy! Love you too sugar!