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They say you're bad for me, but i just can't seem to let go.
Publicada em 11 de agosto.
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6.2 horas registradas (2.3 horas no momento da análise)
Definitely give this a try with a friend. I played with the same friend that I played portal 2 with. So we download, get in the game and get stuck on the first level only to realize an hour later that we started on level 8 instead of 1

Haven't finished it yet but brain's so fried from all the critical thinking that we had to take a break
10/10 definitely would recommend
Publicada em 14 de abril.
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39.2 horas registradas (13.1 horas no momento da análise)
The tutorial was longer than MW3's campaign
Suck it Activision
Publicada em 8 de janeiro.
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170.2 horas registradas (64.3 horas no momento da análise)
Most garbage Call of Duty to ever exist. The greed of Activision and the idiocy of the braindead mfers who keep dumping money in Activision's pocket makes me insane. Every single little thing about this doo doo ass game is horrible. From SBMM to COD HQ.
Not to even mention that they are selling and presenting this as a fully stand alone nEw ExPeRiEnCe, yet they still put it out as a 80 buck DLC of MW2 2022, therefore if you've played that or Warzone more than 2 hours then you're screwed and can't get a refund.
Go to hell Activision, matter of fact Suck my d. what a buncha clowns
Publicada em 3 de dezembro de 2023.
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3.8 horas registradas
This is hand down THE WORST AND CRINGIEST game I've ever played in my life. There's so much wrong with this I don't even know where to begin.
I'm better off starting with the few good things it has going for it. the only thing that kept me going through this game was Doug Cockle's voice acting. The pre rendered cut scenes and the art direction is overal nice but i feel as if it was executed horribly. Thankfully you are able to skip every single dialogue. Some of the takedown's are cool but none of the kills (expect when you drain the blood) feel or even look like a kill, which is super dumb since you don't even have an option to subdue foes. You either punch, or throw someone to the ground and somehow you got blood spilling from them and the game telling you they're dead.
Now the cons; Controls feel horrible and have no weight. Story is super cringe, short, frustrating and predictable. The game mechanics (mainly your vampire powers) combined with the control feel janky AF. The vampire powers themselves are a HUGE waste of potential. It never feels like you're fully in control, yet they give you these rooms to clear out using tools at your disposal and stealth. But guess what? You can't because the dumb powers are either totally useless, janky, cost too much or a pain in the ass to combine. Very disappointing stuff honestly. And to top it all off, the final boss is very and i mean veeeerryyyy boring and you don't even get to use any of your powers that you spent upgrading in a meaningful way or in a way that would actually help you with the "boss fight"
Don't waste your money
Publicada em 12 de novembro de 2023.
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0.7 horas registradas
Please do not waste your time on this, definitely not worth it. The game begins with forced and slow tutorials and overall it's just a big pay to win experience. Totally different than the videos showed to represent the game and the gameplay really feels boring and dead with long match finding times.

Publicada em 2 de maio de 2020. Última edição em 2 de maio de 2020.
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12.2 horas registradas (6.2 horas no momento da análise)
"The Inner World" Review:

I can't recommend this game enough. It just caught my attention since the beginning with its charm. The Inner World is a point and click adventure/puzzle game which has a very interesting story.
First of all let me begin with the art style. I think the art style was the main thing that attracted me to this game. It's just so unique and beautiful and it really helps to portray the story and the atmosphere of the story and the world.

I just love the characters and the dialogues and I really enjoyed going and talking with each one and trying to figure out their stories and also the plot of the game. Especially the main characters, Robert and Laura.
It just makes you want to go and explore every little detail in each area and see everything.
And not to forget to mention the soundtrack. omg it's just so beautiful and charming and they really did a good job with making it stick with you. Hearing it everytime it just makes me feel relaxed and i get lost in the game itself.

About the puzzles, They're all really fun and creative and not that hard to figure out if you really pay attention to the dialogues and the information you can get from other characters or Robert himself. The game also provides a very useful hint system which you can use if you get stuck in a certain area of the game which basically removes the need to use any guides but I'm sure most people can figure things out by themselves. Personally I think I only used the help system only a few times and managed to finish the game with no problem.

To be honest I can't really think of any negative things about the game and it's probably one of those games that is gonna stick with me and I'm gonna have some really good memories each time I play it or hear the soundtrack itself. The only small little thing is that I wish the loading times were just a little bit shorter since it's a 2D game and I don't think fixing that would be a huge deal. Anyway, I'm guessing the game was made by not a very big team and in my opinion they did an excellent job with it. I just wish that it was a bit longer but there's also the sequel which you can play.

Publicada em 29 de abril de 2020.
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4 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
268.7 horas registradas (25.0 horas no momento da análise)
"Dishonored" Review:

Dishonored is personally one of my favorite games ever so you might wanna keep that in mind while reading this review.
Where can I even start? This game has one of the best ever gameplay mechanics I've ever seen in a video game and I could actually compare it to Dying Light which also has very well done parkour mechanics.

Gameplay is smooth and although the levels are semi-linear and you have some assassination objectives to do, the game gives you tons of options to approach your target and choose your own style of play. You could go in guns blazing and kill every living thing you see in your way or you could go with the stealth way which I really recommend because of how well done it is.

You have tons of ways to complete your objectives and also you can even finish the game without killing a single person if you'd like to go with that approach.
Overall I find this game very unique and it really catches your attention.

I find the story good although I haven't completed it yet because I'm really taking my time trying to get everything in each level considering a lot of notes and characters hold some of the in depth story of the game, but I'm sure it won't disappoint me in the end.

I also have to give credit to the level design and the soundtrack which really helps the player feel the atmosphere and the vibe of the city.

Honestly the only small problem that I have is that sometimes the guards seem to get bugged sometimes and keep making turns when they're not supposed to but really i'm not even bothered by that.

Publicada em 12 de abril de 2020.
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41.1 horas registradas (7.5 horas no momento da análise)
"Lucius" Review:

Lucius has a really cool concept and I think it tried its best to execute it in the game, You face different puzzles in this game which you can solve by looking around for items and also getting some hints as to where to find those by talking to the residence of the house.

Lucius can be averagely completed in around 7 hours, The gameplay was alright and the controls were comfortable however some of the levels felt really tedious and annoying to complete which sometimes killed the fun for me. the graphics are alright for its time and budget and the gore is enough to draw you in.

The story had a good concept but i feel like it could've been worked on a bit more. The voice acting also needed some more effort because sometimes it just felt too fake and plastic. The soundtrack was pretty on point and gave exactly the vibe that it needed to.

Publicada em 7 de abril de 2020.
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I like the concept but please add adjustable graphics cuz I'm a broke gamer
Publicada em 11 de agosto de 2019.
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