:cassette: Yosemite National Park :amberrv:
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I want to spend the rest of my life with you.
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The past is not my concern. The future is no longer my concern, either.
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21 Hours played
Well I am almost through with this very unique Visual Novel. What can I say without any spoilers? It is a really emotional story that's probably not everyone's cup of tea. If you came looking for a relaxing experience without thinking (feeling) too much you probably should avoid it. This might look cute, and feel cozy too at some points, but in it's core it is as harsh as the wilderness itself. You will not only learn a lot about National Parks but also depression, anxiety, love and death. If you are open for it you will experience something very special. I can highly recommend this Visual Novel even though I am not quite good at reading with tears in my eyes.
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