If you're here for any assets then no - I won't be giving them to you unless I actually know you
I do not accept random invites, so before adding me state your reason why I should accept your friend request in the comments section below.

"It's me again, reminding you that you're nobody 'til somebody loves you."
And that somebody is me. I love you.


01-07-2021: I no longer give the permission to use any of my assets in creation of any addons, any addon found with stuff that I've worked on without me being a contributor will be taken down. Sorry for the inconvenience to anyone that hoped to use my JLM base (includes my mandos, weapons, ships, jedis, droids and clones).

11-03-2024: I gave up, all comissions are postponed indefinetly, sorry for not responding to any dms/friend requests, discord invites and such. Will be taking a time off, i am in no condition to accept any money from anyone

If you're intrested in getting model done or just want to chat then add me on DISCORD since steam is so buggy that I can't even read or write any dms, I get around 100 dms on a daily basis so if I don't respond in 2-5 days just keep messaging me, i'll eventually go through the avalanche of dms
(Don't bother dming me during the weekends, i'm most likely drunk and/or tired.)

Hi! I'm mostly known for creating Star Wars inspired gmod content. I began working as a content creator in 2019. Since that time i've improved my texturing and modelling skills. I've been comissioned many times by the well known community servers such as IFN or SR.(Although as per comissioner's request all the content was made private and sent exclusively to them).

Discord: jajon


I only accept paypal, the currencies you can pay me in are:
- Euros
- Pounds
- Dollars
Before the work starts you either pay me 50% of the comission or the full price (It really depends on how you want it do be done).

list of services
-fixing uv maps
-voice acting
-character design

- I only do STAR WARS inspired stuff, might work on something else but only if i'm comfortable with the ip (fallout, dnd/fantasy, warhammer)
- I only do CGI stylised models! I don't like the look of the semi-realistic bf2 models clashing with not-so-great gmod graphics
- I'll never use someone else's work in any of comissions (The only exception is if I personally know the author and was given permission)

스크린샷 전시대
wip of the new jlm base, featuring clone troopers.
3 5
매우 희귀한 도전 과제 전시대
NNN 2024년 7월 4일 오후 7시 49분 
Hello! i want to add you for a commission of a swtor model c:
_Niechudy 2024년 5월 12일 오전 7시 14분 
Igris 2024년 4월 29일 오후 9시 06분 
Adding for commission
Sandman 2024년 4월 24일 오후 1시 32분 
Adding for commission :]
aGuyNamedStan 2024년 3월 22일 오후 10시 12분 
adding for commission
MrBooze 2024년 3월 21일 오후 6시 41분 
Adding to ask about a commission