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게시 일시: 2022년 2월 19일 오후 6시 03분
업데이트됨: 2022년 3월 27일 오전 11시 39분

I want to love this game, but I can't.

I do want to say, if this is your first installment, then yes it could be really fun however if this is second or third installment of the series then I feel you will be let down by it.

The Campaign while interesting, more so than Vortex, pressures you far more than Vortex to not play the game in the way you would like it.

Secondly, pathing issues are major; fighting in settlements is a battle of which troops do not get stick twitching back and forth in movement animations.

Third, it's just missing a lot of the features that TW:2 has time to bake in.

Now, I WILL say that I'll likely be returning to the game with a fresh set of eyes and most likely positive review once immortal empires and modding comes out. I can't tell you to buy the game but I would advise taking a look at it once immortal empires comes out in a month or two. Also wait for patch 1.1 to come out, it's a major patch and it's going to hopefully fix a lot of things.

Anyway, meantime; I'd say save your money, keep enjoying TW:2 it's the best TW in the series by far and you'll have a great time with Mortal Empires.
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