Reece   Townsville, Queensland, Australia
Nie podano informacji.
Slarty 10 czerwca 2017 o 7:04 
If you ever come back, contact me again and we can play a game or two.
Slarty 10 czerwca 2017 o 7:03 
Been great knowing you for the time I did, but clearly you have either left steam behind forever, for whatever reason, or you have left this world behind. If so, condolences to your family and hope you're enjoying gaming somewhere if not. Cya mate.
Snake 8 czerwca 2017 o 4:29 
come back to us still alive
Slarty 27 czerwca 2014 o 3:58 
Are you even still alive? havent seen you online in years
Snake 25 sierpnia 2012 o 5:09 
be good to have a game again bro