Stampe :D
Stampe   Norre Aaby, Fyn, Denmark
98% of Teenagers lie when they say 'I love you'
Put this on your profile if you are one of the 2% that really mean it!

LuckyShot: Bare brug delles com;D;D;D
r1ck n1cks - Stampe: Hahaha Den har ikke kræfter nok .. xD
LuckyShot: Hahaha
r1ck n1cks - Stampe: Den går sku bare i brænd XD
LuckyShot: Det kun godt
LuckyShot: Ingen beviser
r1ck n1cks - Stampe: Arh Det var smart
r1ck n1cks - Stampe: vi bruger hans XD
LuckyShot: Ja!