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Salacious ♪ Rosalia 🍑 21 juil. 2019 à 14h04 
Rube Walker: "Hey, Yogi, what time is it?"
Yogi Berra: "You mean now?"
'But look,' said Ponder, 'the graveyards are full of people who rushed in bravely but unwisely.'
'What did he say?' said the Bursar.
'I think he said, "Sooner or later the graveyards are full of everybody".'
(Lords and Ladies)

The woman you buy -- and she is the least expensive -- takes a great
deal of money. The woman who gives herself takes all your time.
-- Balzac

Jones' Second Law:
The man who smiles when things go wrong has thought of someone
to blame it on.
Cuius testiculos habes, habeas cardia et cerebellum.
(Small Gods)

If the government doesn't trust the people, why doesn't it dissolve them
and elect a new people?

Her attitude to music was purely ballistic - just point your voice at the end of the verse and go for it.

One jar 5 nov. 2018 à 3h48 
«¥飲んだくれ¥» 27 févr. 2018 à 8h31 
Trade Your CS:GO Cases For Keys! 4 Cases = 1 Key! {LIEN SUPPRIMÉ}
Democeps 6 févr. 2018 à 5h47 
Trade Your CS:GO Cases For Keys! 4 Cases = 1 key! {LIEN SUPPRIMÉ}
Kinimod 27 janv. 2018 à 1h43 
Trade Your Cases For Keys! 4x1 Rate! {LIEN SUPPRIMÉ}
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Właśnie zostałeś uderzony murzynowską ręką i zostałeś moim murzynem.

Teraz dołączasz do gry w zaklepywanie murzynów.
ZASADY: Uderz kogo kolwiek
żeby zamienić go w swojego
murzyna zanim zostanie zajęty
przeze mnie! Nie możesz mi oddać - jestem twoim władcą murzynie!l