Penelope   Letterkenny, Donegal, Ireland
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Review Showcase
48 Hours played
As someone who played the original RE4, and found their time fun, but nothing particularly groundbreaking, I was kinda anticipating this game when it was announced. It would modernize the games controls, maybe shift the narrative that would be reminiscent of the original but do well in its own right.

I am so glad that this remake exists because it was everything I wanted it to be and more. It still kept the hokey elements but it felt like the controls were so fluid, compared to the rigidness of the original. The gameplay was fine tuned to be as kinetic as possible, and its a definite step up from even RE2 and RE3

I also felt like I cared for a lot more of the characters this go around. Ashley, Luis, Krauser, all of these characters got better treatment to their OG characters.

This is definitely one of my games of the year. Resident Evil 4 Remake is so f**king good.
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