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投稿日: 2020年11月9日 4時41分
更新日: 2022年10月29日 22時36分

Warframe is very good. I just have Three problems before I can fully recomend the game though, one is that time to grind resources sometimes feels unnecessarily is lengthened by the devs, I am talking the material costs and standing farming. Two With the company's acquisition the monetisation feels a little pushed into you to buy primes and Platinum. Three Updates are too far in time where you get a huge content drought which makes this hard to play/grind after a while, a personal example would be me quitting twice first after 160 hours the second being 552 hours but that shows even after all this you can still play a lot before being burnt out. I still return sometimes to check up on the new content but thats about it. Play at your own risk that being a choice between money or time.
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