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My Fragmovie :steamhappy:
My Clips <- coolest

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For øyeblikket frakoblet
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3,4 timer totalt
sist spilt den 30. juni
52 timer totalt
sist spilt den 30. juni
10 018 timer totalt
sist spilt den 30. juni
Ironmane 17. juni kl. 10.45 
goat :3
yr 28. des. 2023 kl. 16.35 
I'm single,funny, and yes I'm a savage! Jet skiing is life!
patty 14. nov. 2023 kl. 14.47 
Crazy question but would you be willing to give me the name Foster on faceit for $100?
yr 24. okt. 2023 kl. 22.25 
fun tiem deh yah a tiem fi di bus ride
Queenieヽ(◠‿◠🎀) 1. okt. 2023 kl. 5.27 
+Rep add me pls^^
loltrip 28. mai 2023 kl. 9.16 
ThIs Is NoT a MaTtEr Of WhEtHeR oR nOt YoU'rE "cOoL" wItH uS uTiLiZiNg ThE tImE bEfOrE dEfAuLt DaY. aS fOsTeR sTaTeD, wE aRe NoT iN a pOsItIoN tO pLaY aNyTiMe LaTeR tHaN 10pM eSt As We
hAvE pLaYeRs In WhIcH tHiS wOuLd CoNfLiCt ThEiR sLeEp ScHeDuLeS. wE tAkE tHe HeAlTh Of OuR pLaYeRs VeRy SeRiOuSlY aNd AsKiNg Us To SaCrIfIcE tHe MeNtAl HeAlTh Of OuR pLaYeRs By DiSrUpTiNg ThEiR eStAbLiShEd CiRcAdIaN rHyThMs Is HoNeStLy ApPaLlInG. tHe MaTtEr Of SpLiTtInG iS nOt OnE wE aRe WiLlInG tO dIsCuSs. i PeRsOnAlLy HaVe A wArM-uP rOuTiNe ThAt TaKeS rOuGhLy 3 hOuRs To
cOmPlEtE aNd I aM nOt WiLlInG tO uNdErGo SuCh PrEpArAtIoNs TwIcE jUsT bEcAuSe YoU dId NoT aCcOuNt FoR tHe DeFaUlT tImE. wE hAvE mAdE tHe GeNeRoUs OfFeR oF fRiDaY aT 10pM eSt. tHiS
tImE iN iTsElF aLrEaDy StReTcHeS wHaT wE aRe CoMfOrTaBlE wItH. pLeAsE lEt Us KnOw If YoU wIlL bE aCcEpTiNg ThE oFfEr, eLsE, wE wIlL aSsUmE tHe GaMe WiLl Be PlAyEd At ThE dEfAuLt TiMe.