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Recente recensies door SodlidDesu

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9.0 uur in totaal
Ace Combat Assault Horizon

I loaded Ace Combat 5 into my PS2 and was blown away. Everything about that game was great. I mean, that game was perfection. I beat it on the hardest difficulty and unlocked all the secrets just because I loved the game so much.

When I got ACAH it was still GFWL. Now it's not anymore but I've already beaten it at this point. Seeing as the campaign was VERY hand holdy and there wasn't much room for amazing dog fights with the DFM. DFM basically rails you onto a line and takes you through a QTE.

The storyline was average. I suppose I shouldn't have expected more. AC5 was corny as well but it was a better corny. ACAH was just convoluted. They dropped the alternate reality in favor of putting it in the real world and they got rid of all the sci-fi elements in favor of... giving the main character a premonition?

Also, by default you are in Casual flight mode, which I didn't realize meant that you couldn't preform rolls. Turn that off as fast as you can. It's just not right for it to even be on.
Geplaatst 18 augustus 2014.
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2.0 uur in totaal
A.R.E.S.: Extinction Agenda is a 2D platformer in the vein of Megaman (Except not as nearly hard)

Short but sweet A.R.E.S. features a variety of levels and powers. Controls are tight and usually responsive. I had no issues in that regard. My biggest issue was the "Dual stick" movement and firing which although it allowed for you to fire in any direction, the jump button is still A. WHY?

The storyline isn't particularly bad but it's pretty forgettable over all. I went into it with no knowledge of the game or it's sordid past so I feel like I dodged a bullet and was able to enjoy it more as a cheap one-off.

If you're a fan of side scrolling platformers give A.R.E.S. a try. Don't go into it expecting gold but pick it up on sale.
Geplaatst 18 augustus 2014.
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0.7 uur in totaal
The Wonderful End of the World by Dejobaan Games

Playtime: .7 hrs

Final ranking: At least A in all levels, mostly A+

EDIT: I had contacted Dejobaan about the issues with TWEotW and they advised me that they would look into the driver issues. If this fixes it I don't know but afterwards they also offered me a CD key to any of their other games to make up for the problems. Good customer service practices but still be aware before you buy.

TWEofW is a Katamari Damacy rip-off without the charm, crazy storyline and with a fraction of the fun.

The game offers M+K controls as well as gamepad but it doesn't have the dual stick setup like KD, so you're left either trying to us WASD and an overly sensitive mouse or getting used to using only the left stick because the right stick apparently moves the camera (but not really though.)

The graphics are appropriate for the setting, although a few levels break of the style and use random different art styles for better and for worse. I enjoyed the originality of collecting the word blocks during one level but another level broke the "3D cartoon" look in favor 2D flat sprites which threw me for a loop.

The music and sound is rather grating overall. I won't comment much more than that because I played for most of the game with the volume set around 10 to avoid listening to it.

TWEofW is far too short though and there's really no cohesive storyline. In one level you see a billboard reading "Do you know this woman?" with a picture of the redhead who appears on the game art. Really? I wasn't aware I was playing as anything other than Vectorman over here. Then after scoring at least an A in all levels (Not a very challenging task) you go to the final level, where fire and destruction are matched with billboards as "THE END IS HERE" and so on.

Also, On first run the game wouldn't start. It crashed right after the loading splash. Couldn't get it to work. Then one day when my internet was out I tried it again. AND IT WORKED! Hooray! It's got Kane & Lynch 2 disease, right? Well, then I had to RMA my graphics card and I figured I'd give it another shot. Well, It worked again. So I have no idea what is wrong with this game.

Bottom line: Someone needs to give us a solid PC contender for Katamari Damacy and TWEofW isn't it.

HOWEVER, I was almost tempted to still recommend this game. The big break for me was the non-running game issue. If the game runs for you, you'll get a solid few minutes of "meh" experience.
Geplaatst 18 augustus 2014. Laatst gewijzigd 4 september 2014.
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0.4 uur in totaal
A free chance to try out Broforce if you were on the fence about it (which, after playing you won't be for much longer.)

A fast paced, action/shooter/platformer/manliness fest, The Expendabros builds on Broforce's destructible enviroments and classic action movie throwbacks with a few newer touches that I didn't find in the Broforce campaign (Possibly hinting at the next update *wink wink*).

Once you've unlocked the admittedly small roster of Bros, there isn't much being introduced but it has a slight sembalance of more story than Broforce's "Liberate Vietnam" missions. At least you're chasing some dude. Just like the plot in the Expendables however, this is just a way to give you motovation to destroy everything in your path.

I have to recommend this game for three reasons; One, Broforce is a stellar game and some people are shying away because it's early access. Expendabros is complete. Two, It's a great Co-op game and since it's free it should be easy to convince your friends to install. And Three, IT'S LITERALLY FREE. It's so much better than the other Expendables game AND IT'S FREE. I'll say that once more. Free. I hope that got the point across.

Rest In Peace, Bro.
Geplaatst 7 augustus 2014.
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5.2 uur in totaal
I don't know where I got this game from (Probably Humble bundle) and I can't remember how much I paid for it. I don't really like Tower Defense games very much but I can recommend Defender's Quest. Kind of a silly name. Very amatuer-ish anime looking graphics (In Game is Pixel graphics similar to 16 bit games) but it's fun and it's challenging.

I don't really pay too much attention to the soundtrack but it's not outright grating so it can't be bad. The first playthrough, "story" difficulty is almost comedically easy. Your characters will easily be overpowered in almost every fight. It's the Hard and Expert ones that really shine. Going for that perfect rating. It's tough but do-able.

If you're a fan of TD games, pick it up. If you're on the fence, It's a good TD game. If you see it on sale for a good price and just collect Steam games for your account numbers, Pick it up. If you hate fun and all those who have it, Pass.
Geplaatst 10 juli 2014.
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4.4 uur in totaal (1.4 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Game time: About 2 Hours

Interesting game. It's got oddles of potential but honestly I played most of the game with a blank expression on my face. A few unexpected things popped up and got a brief snort or giggle out of me but for some reason I didn't find them as amusing as I felt like I should. Honestly though, Jazzpunk is worth it for the ride at the bare minimum. Get it for cheap though. I might run back and 100% the acheivements as they're nothing too crazy but a few of them didn't unlock despite me reaching the criteria.

Funniest moment: During the resort level, my computer randomly BSOD'd. I didn't notice it wasn't a game thing until I saw my second monitor had gone blank. Then, later on after that same level the game dropped a BSOD gag on me and I laughed because I'm running Windows 8 and the BSOD screen is totally different but I still reacted to it because it'd already BSOD'd once during the game.
Geplaatst 15 mei 2014.
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5.1 uur in totaal
My wife bought me this game because I assume it looked cute. Holy hell was I suprised when I blew a dude up.

It's an EA published game, take that with a grain of salt. Your "progress" isn't tracked if you don't sign in but "progress" is limited to high scores and distance travelled (and, you know, other things that GTA3 did for free) and all that. Don't let the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cover the diamonds though.

The game is actually pretty fun. Took me a few hours and I didn't actually collect everything, not that it stops you from winning at all. Collectibles are... forgettable. I think they opened concept art or something. Didn't care. No real reason to collect all the grubs since the power ups are hardly neccesary. There are multiple ways to solve some rooms and some of the puzzles took a bit of thought. Death is quick and reloading is quick too, which is good. No long, drawn out, slow-motion falls or anything.

I have a newer rig so I didn't experience any slowdown or lag issues until one wierd room in the final areas but it cleared up after I died.

Overall, I recommend it. It's fun, it's different and it's a bit of a challenge. If you can stomach handing $10 to EA, go for it.
Geplaatst 24 april 2014.
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3.1 uur in totaal
At first, It looks like an iPad port with simplistic controls and coins and stamps you have to collect to wait down your timers to get back to the meat of the game. Burning things. Burning things is fun. Obviously, anyone knows that.

You make friends, lose friends, cope with that, move on, burn more things until... You finally question it all. You're offered a way out. The reality is far harsher than your warm fireplace but can you tear yourself away from the embers? Spend your life staring into a small box that flickers in colors or break away and experience the world outside of your box?

Or, If you'd rather not have an existential crisis, you can just burn things and not think about it.

Everything is alright.
Geplaatst 14 april 2014.
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3.4 uur in totaal (0.8 uur op moment van beoordeling)
Your commander is none other than Timesplitter's Sgt. Cortez. That's enough to buy this game on it's own. Here's the kicker though. It's a decent twin stick, Co-op shooter on it's own, so it's got that going for it, which is nice. If you're looking to kick back with a score-attack arcade style shooter (and listen to Sgt. Cortez give you mission directions, Which I cannot stress enough, His VO is like melting butter over a fresh english muffin) and blow some stuff up, give it a try.
Geplaatst 26 maart 2014.
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12.2 uur in totaal (6.7 uur op moment van beoordeling)
It's honestly Gauntlet 2.0. Simple, yet complex, Hammerwatch is great alone or with friends.

The game is pixel art and scales well. Doesn't have the "Everything is shiny" look from Monaco. HOWEVER, With the basic control set up you'll be holding Space A LOT.

If you rebind the controls (Or play with a controller. 4P local co-op.) you'll have a much easier time unless you love cramped thumbs.

Only thing missing is the old "WARRIOR SHOT A FOOD" but I can look past that.
Geplaatst 17 februari 2014.
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