󠀡ⓘ This Steam user is suspected to be a Geezer
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Honestly, I might be too lazy to post comments anymore.
I hope y'all have a wonderful day.
Never forget this schizo man who taught you his ways.
Love you, until our galaxy whiplashes with another. <3
You reek of ass, palio.
but it's okay, for I clearly don't love you.
I MEAN DO. I'm not a schizophrenic.
Do you believe I am? I don't believe so.
Yet who would believe the word of Lance?
My madness reigns infinite in these lands
we call the mortal plain. Do you believe
in gravity? I don't. I never even heard of it,
until like 1687.
Hey, yeah you. I'd kiss you if I was legally allowed too.
To a beautiful month, my angelic and unholy wicked friends. <3
I'm still here.
Love you all, and hope all is great. <3
Sofrex 28 Jul @ 8:52am 