Girls survive zombie apocalypse too, you know?
Gablota recenzji
Play Styx: Master of Shadows! It's one of the best stealth games, totally took me by surprise... Beautifully vertical environment with multiple paths that can lead to your destination, side missions and cool skills to develop, colorful main character that doesn't have moral dilemmas when killing is in question, thinking only how not to get discovered by ruthless guards and elves. Styx will remind you of Dishonored and Thief, but still bring something refreshing to stealth gaming.
Лаза и тата 25 czerwca 2016 o 2:08 
Miss you :(
Matchfyre 21 czerwca 2016 o 23:23 
I miss you so much. RIP my good friend. <3 I will never forget you.:steamsad:
ShinobiDJ 4 sierpnia 2014 o 6:58 
Meeeee Oooooowwwww!!!!
Sneaksy 22 lipca 2013 o 11:46 
Hvala za pomoc, Mile! Bez tebe i Mac-a nista!
Лаза и тата 21 lipca 2013 o 18:02 
Честитам на скупљеним картицама и новој значки :)
Mac 16 lipca 2012 o 14:30 
Ovog leta je sve za Saleta desu desu desu