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Останні рецензії користувача Laced

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1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
42.3 год. загалом (13.8 год на момент рецензування)
This game is one of a few third person shooters i played I say that it is really good because you have to strategys with every one and become like a actually squad because you can't just run up and then except to live against a full fire fight with other. the point is to keep you self alive long enough to help your comrades tell them good places to go and help suggestion about what to do on what to do in his time of need. The equipment in this game is actually hard at first (for me it was) but when get the hang of it your best equipment will become an asset for you team. The respawning is still quite bad because I feel that it okay for the spawn to be far but not to far from the battle because you can't get there fast enough to actually help your team.

hopefully this had help make up you mind. :)
Додано 11 липня 2014 р..
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