[-SoL-]Skull Duggery
Georgia, United States

>Diversity + Proximity = War:
https://youtu.be/zah5sUBULVM [Embed]
>Human Accomplishment - Charles Murray
>Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations
>Race Differences in Intelligence by Richard Lynn

>The Frankfurt School of Social Research and the Pathologization of Gentile Group Allegiances
>Jonathan Bowden on Cultural Marxism:
https://youtu.be/aR4MvD9IEAE [Embed]
https://youtu.be/Yaf1192EZfI [Embed]
https://youtu.be/J92f2S3E0S8 [Embed]
https://youtu.be/5xuu93gOWXQ [Embed]
>Cultural Marxism: The Corruption of America
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gIdBuK7_g3M [Embed]
>Erich Fromm, Judaism and the Frankfurt School
I haven't checked these links in a long time so there is a chance some of them are broken.

I'm 22. U.S. Gamer. (RPGs, survival games.)
Currently Offline
Blade 12 Aug, 2023 @ 12:53pm 
Hey Emmy. Just my yearly check in until Steam inevitably dies. You've got a niece now! Her name is Annamarie Lynn Sands. Named after Nana, mom and Ashley's mom's middle name. She's six months old right now and absolutely adorable. Similar to how Jacob was as a baby but different in her own way. Already moving around and so inquisitive. You definitely would have loved her. You always were amazing with Jacob. I finally managed to upgrade my PC! Also, Dark Souls on the Switch is a nightmare dude. I bet you'd have enjoyed getting mad at it. I hope to keep doing a yearly update with you. It's just so hard to believe you've been gone for five years now. I could really use my little brother right now. I love you Emory. Be good buddy.
Øbserver❤ 30 Mar, 2023 @ 6:37pm 
Hope things are better wherever you are friend
CypherSix 6 Mar, 2023 @ 9:42pm 
I always come here to just remember the good times. I miss you.
Sigrid Skagerak 7 Dec, 2022 @ 2:32pm 
I think about you a lot. I think about the things I wish I had talked with you about. I think about all the games we never got to play together. All those PC parts we were going to put together. It's always hard to come back here and think about you, but it's important to me to remember you. I miss you Emory.
Lyhtmyst 12 Nov, 2022 @ 7:28pm 
Gone, but not forgotten.
Blade 12 Nov, 2022 @ 4:58pm 
Wanted you to know you're going to have a niece soon! She would have loved you, like most everyone that knows you does. It's been a real rough four years, Emory. Mom and dad aren't doing too great. Kenny seems lost, and Tymi is pretty much MIA. Ashley and I are doing okay, for the most part. I'm a Master Tech doing engine work at a Ford dealer, and Ashley is helping build a massive company. We plan on building a house soon, and I'm still going to plan a room just for you. You'll always be my best friend. I only wish we could have had some more time together. I love you, Emory.. I can't wait to see you again, bud.