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发布于:2017 年 11 月 19 日 上午 7:34
更新于:2020 年 12 月 17 日 下午 3:39

For those who can't be bothered reading all of this, just play the game, its good!
Been playing since 2016, felt like I had to redo this. A lot of stuff has changed, mostly with the introduction of open worlds etc etc. I have to say before PoE and the removal of Raids the game didn't have an interesting endgame, finished your quests and the stuff for your mastery you were either playing raids, opening relics, trading or waiting for a new frame/event. I dropped the game at PoE announcement at tennocon and took it back after sometime it got released, for then dropping it again cuz I couldn't be bothered doin eidolons, for stuff that at the time was literally worthless. Dropped again and took it back in hand at fortuna, a while after baaruk release, playing few weeks, did garuda revenant etc then dropped it again. Stopped around hildryn and wisp announcement, now in 2020 after almost 2 weeks of being into this game, can say, almost new, there's so much stuff to do that the first week I was hella confused. Boring story aside, I recommend the game, with a warning first, games is bugged as hell, obviously being 8 years still in beta, it has its flaws, second, you're gonna waste a lot of your time, seriously if you like it you'll get engulfed in it trust me, aside that, awesome community, love this game, DE does a great job (most of the time, with their errors), hope this was helpful for anyone, stay safe tenno.
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