Sir Slaughter
Sir or Sir S or SS   Malaysia
Current Status :So much commitment,so less time
OC made by Mifflue (

~Random Stuff~
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Currently Offline
Screenshot Showcase
~Welcome and Enjoy your Stay~ (´・ω・)っ
:terraria: PLEASE READ HERE :terraria:
Trading status :DealersEye:Im not accepting trade sorry :DealersEye:
:catpaw:tell me the reason of adding me in the comment section below:catpaw:(exception to those that i add)
:angry_creep:Wont accept friend request that are private or a random add without reason :angry_creep:
If my status is:-
:2016snocone:Online= Basically im infront of my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ monitor but dont do *****,So hit me up with something ^.^.
:csgoct:Ingame=Wont answer till my game finish probably
:2016skull:Offline=Dont bother talking,you can leave a message:rage:
:angry_creep:Busy=You shouldnt be bothering me,i reply later :madelf:
:shadow:Away=Either watching anime or just afk or non steam gaming..
:catpaw:Looking to play=self explanatory, i doubt i put this even once
:DealersEye:Looking to trade=self explanatory, i doubt i put this even once
:Clot:When i mean urgent i meant it like you need a quick answer from me but other than that all my status you can just leave a message and i reply later.:Clot:
:crystal: To those that do not know me,heres a summarised detail of me :crystal:
:roll:Name: Stick to my username or nickname :P
:roll:Gender: Im gender confused, Refrain from asking
:roll:Likes:VN games,History,Anime,Facts,Military,Something Fun?,Conversation with people (if they want to),helping others (if they/myself want to),RTS games maybe theres more?:CuriousSion:
:roll:Im quite open minded person and very friendly,hit me up if theres something worth sharing
:roll: i rather keep my stuff at personal level unless youre close to me..... well good luck :d
:roll:if given the opportunity to slaughter,yeah ill slaughter :masonfist:
:roll:Dont really have a favourite on just about everything..
:roll:Im a passive person,if you dont talk to me neither i do to you
:roll:I keep a tight group of friends that I play with..
:roll:I really like to keep my friend list as little as possible but maybe a simple reason is good enough for me accepting you as a friend.
:roll:Not much of a social bug,so do forgive me if i ignored you (Preferably if you start the talk),I wont bite or not which i dont really mind cuz i too have my own things to worry about XD.:kimikat:
:roll:Im quite shy and akward when it comes to meeting new people >.<,but once i known you for some time it easily vanished :o.:octodad:
:roll:Not a busybody person,I tend to check my own things only
:roll:If i somehow made you upset or mad please do tell me i may not know how i did it :steamsad:
:roll: If you somehow piss me off, I'll have you know theres a button called block and unfriend...
:roll:Losing isnt really a big deal for me not that i wanted it to happen but ***** happens right?.Unless if you like always being a winner i suggest dont invite me in games cuz i dont think you wouldnt want a carefree people like me ruining your winnings right?
:steamhappy:Anything else you wanna know feel free to give a holler:steamhappy:
Thanks to everyone that had time to read everything, doesnt matter stranger or friend.
:2016imnotcrying:You may leave from my life as you please but dont expect to come back again:2016imnotcrying:
My Motto: Always keep an open mind and embrace individuality! everyone is special in a way
Have a hug personally from me (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
Recent Activity
161 hrs on record
last played on 9 Mar
3.1 hrs on record
last played on 8 Mar
11.4 hrs on record
last played on 8 Mar
Bozsi 13 Jan, 2023 @ 11:15pm 
When is 9-nine- stream!?? :catkiss10:
Bozsi 25 Dec, 2022 @ 4:46am 
Based Aokana reader.
MJayK 24 Dec, 2022 @ 4:14am 
:nssnow: Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a happy new year filled with love, laughter, and all your heart's desires! :Big_Heart::nssnow:
Katlan 26 Sep, 2022 @ 8:33pm 
╔══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╗
If you are a beautiful strong black woman, someone will put this in your comments.
╚══════════════ ೋღ☃ღೋ ══════════════╝
MJayK 20 Feb, 2022 @ 9:55am 
Have a nice day! :cocochan2::nekoheart:
MJayK 25 Dec, 2021 @ 5:02am 
Merry Christmas :nssnow: :nekoheart: