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Публикувани: 15 ян. 2018 в 10:21

A series whose over-abundance of lackluster entries that almost killed the franchise receives yet another title not worth your time or your money.

They looked at what was wrong with Assassin's Creed, every boring fetch quest, every time-wasting tower climbing section, every pointless collectible that adds nothing to the game and said "What if the problem is that they are too close together" and added at least 800m inbetween each and called it good.

This game takes what worked in the previous Assassin's Creed games and adds pointless bloat like: microtransactions both cosmetic and not, zone levels like WoW, added an average-at-best loot system and hunting just so they could sell "time savers" and resource packs.

Assassin's Creed is dead Ubisoft, leave it be.
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