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Análises recentes de SimianPirate

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2 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
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108.9 horas registradas (90.8 horas no momento da análise)
I've really enjoyed the time that I've spent with this game, and its DLC. I enjoyed the storyline and how they've woven in the "save scum" mechanic as a central story point. The characters are also varied, and have their own personalities. I'm currently 90 hours into playing and still finding good synergies between characters.

If I had to choose a "con", it would be that some of the badges require more precise timing than what I'm able to pull off. It's nothing that prevented me from completing the story, and most of the badges, though.

I would like to have seen another game that takes place in this universe. Hopefully the rights will get picked up by another company, or continued by the former Mimimi devs.
Publicada em 9 de abril.
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7.8 horas registradas
This was an enjoyable, short little game.
Publicada em 17 de março de 2016.
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1.4 horas registradas
It's more of an RPG, with very little in the way of time management. The first part of the game is heavily scripted, with ample bugs (including deleting your entire party, not being able to resurrect anyone, etc) if you stray from the poorly defined "Golden Path".
Publicada em 11 de fevereiro de 2016.
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4 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
4.5 horas registradas
This is a fanastic, fun game, with a good story campaign. I haven't played online, but the single player is fantastic.
Publicada em 28 de janeiro de 2016.
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10.3 horas registradas
This game is great example of the Cyberpunk genre, from storyline to gameplay. I particularly like that the Director's Cut include audio commentary from the developers that gives additional insight into how the game was made. I miss the golden glow on the screen that was present in the original release, but thankfully there is a filter that the community made to add it back in.

If you like the cyberpunk genre then this game is definitely for you. Bonus points for it actually being a fun stealth game as well, if you like to play that way (the Director's Cut actually makes stealth gameplay a more viable option).
Publicada em 19 de dezembro de 2014.
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1 pessoa achou esta análise útil
2.4 horas registradas (1.7 horas no momento da análise)
This is an excellent side-scroller that mixes colorful characters with classic Metroidvania elements. It's a lot of fun, and highly recommended! (review based on the pre-Steam version)
Publicada em 14 de abril de 2014.
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2.0 horas registradas
A defining game in the real-time strategy genre, "Age of Empires 2" is just as fun now as when it originally came out. AOE2 is great for skirmishes between the 18 different civilizations; something that later entries in the series are severely lacking.
Publicada em 31 de dezembro de 2013.
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