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4 people found this review helpful
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4.9 hrs on record (0.5 hrs at review time)
Doesn't quite overtake Dark Souls 2 but still better than Elden Ring, Solid 8/10
Posted 23 December, 2023.
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11.8 hrs on record
Yes, but only on sale

The game is very short, I played ~12 hours and 100% it without really going out of my way to do so, for 60 dollars I can't say it's worth the price.

The combat is actually fairly fun, and I like all the weapons. I played on the middle difficulty and only noticed it getting pretty easy at endgame once I had a bunch of high level/upgraded weapons. If you've played the PS2 games on playstation I'd recommend starting out on a higher difficulty.

Now comparing it to the PS2 games, this feels like one step forward and two steps back. Exploration EXTREMELY gimped, you're not going to have to go out of your way to find any golden bolts and the game tells you that with a ton of invisible walls. The puzzle sections are also laughably easy, I think one in the entire game required some thought on my part. This is one of the things that annoyed me, bumping up the difficulty won't make these sections any less boring, they're so easy they might as well not even be in the game at all, and they only last about 5 minutes tops. I wouldn't call this blind nostalgia either, I replayed Going Commando a few years ago and some of the puzzles are trivial, while others are fairly interesting.

Overall, if you're a fan of the series I think you'll get something out of this, but only on a sale. If you've never played a Ratchet and Clank game before, I'd recommend the PS2 games before checking this out.
Posted 26 August, 2023.
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14 people found this review helpful
331.0 hrs on record (126.3 hrs at review time)
Another day another unfinished Fatshark release

Basically just going to be going over all the bugs and issues in the game, if you're unsure wait a few months before picking this up. If you were really excited you already bought the game so, whatever.

Weekly challenges are broken, they will simply stop working and you have no idea when/if they will fix themselves. This isn't like some rare occurrence either, has happened to me across multiple characters, has happened to everyone I know who plays it.

Crashes galore, game is a bit more stable but still crashes/disconnects you from matches. Usually not the biggest annoyance because of rejoin but it's still common enough to be a pain.

Stuck in map/thrown outside, being grabbed by a disabler like a mutant by a wall can end up with you being thrown out of the map, also just certain parts of the map seem weird and you can get stuck in them which results in you needing to close the game and open it again. Certain maps also just have bugged item placements meaning you cannot pick up a grim or some crafting materials even though you're looking right at them.

Level 4 difficult has been bugged for about a month now. Really fun one, every level 4 has the high intensity engagement modifier whether you chose it or not. The only way to fix this is hoping the mission board has a different modifier and you actually want to play that modifier. This one really just shows their either extremely incompetent or lazy, likely both.

Mission board isn't really broken it's just a horrible design. No, I do not want to play Hab Dreyko on repeat for 3 hours, but the mission board will sometimes decide sorry, that's the only level 4 mission we have, for hours.

The gameplay as you can tell by my playtime is enjoyable, the mission/boss/weapon/class variety is fairly limited at the moment however. I have no doubt these issues will be resolved and the game will be much better, but I'm leaving the negative review because the game is just blatantly unfinished. If you're interested just wait a few months, if you already bought it, sorry lol.
Posted 10 December, 2022.
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22 people found this review helpful
48.5 hrs on record (46.8 hrs at review time)
I played Trudograd a few months ago and enjoyed it but thought it was just alright, after coming back to it though I can say I strongly recommend it. The game itself is sort of a DLC to ATOM RPG with improved graphics, UI, performance and some welcome gameplay upgrades. If you haven't played ATOM I would recommend that first, however if you have already beaten it and are looking for more, definitely play Trudograd.


- Improved perk system: no more "take this perk for +10 pistols." The perks are a lot cooler and while for the most part they're nothing crazy, it helps make builds feel more unique with a lot more choice and variety. A problem I had with the first ATOM was certain weapons and strategies fell off at a certain point or just became downright bad. In Trudograd a lot more builds are viable.

- Weapon modifications! This one is great, similar to the perk system, even more customization. A lot have downsides as well as pros, so it's not always just "ok new item, time to slap it on." Some attachments are good for burst but terrible for single shot. I think the system could use some more work, sniper rifles especially are pretty lacking in upgrades but the system itself really does enhance the gameplay as well as replay ability.

- The endgame dungeons are really great, a problem I had with the first ATOM is that most of the bunkers felt really similar, in Trudograd it's a treat to find and explore these dungeons, the only comparable endgame area in ATOM is the dead city which while cool, could be pretty tedious, none of these dungeons felt like a slog for me.

- Factions! Not much but does add variety in your play through, the different routes follow a lot of similar quests but certain ones are unique to your faction, gameplay wise it's not a huge change but for roleplayers, it's a welcome one.

- Dev team: The game is really cheap for the amount of content you get, and not only that, they frequently have free updates adding new dungeons, features, content, etc. I said it in my original review of ATOM but really one of the best dev teams I have seen, and a real breath of fresh air when you look at the rest of the industry.


- World map: This is a feature I didn't like very much at first but, for the game it does make sense. I liked the open world aspect of ATOM, the new travel system essentially fills the same purpose but you can't visit areas whenever you want. It's a little annoying but I understand it for a game set in one city. I hope in the next game we're back to the old world map with a larger area to explore, while there is a lot to explore in Trudograd it does feel a lot smaller than ATOM.

- Starting level: This is one that I have seen a lot of complaints about and, personally it did bother me but not as much as others. It makes sense for the game, however it doesn't live up to the experience of the first ATOM where you start from nothing and when you've leveled up and gotten gear it feels like such a massive accomplishment. It doesn't take very long in Trudograd to level up even with a fresh character not brought over from ATOM. It does still take awhile to feel really powerful with the introduction of the special armor but it's not the same as the first game. I hope in the next game we will start from scratch again but as stated, it's a problem that couldn't have a perfect solution in Trudograd so it didn't bother me very much.

Overall it's a solid recommend from me, I think some of the disappointment for people came from expecting ATOM 2 but I view the game as more of a DLC, it shows a lot of new features, upgrades and a testing ground for new ideas while still offering a ton of content for a great price. If you enjoyed ATOM, play it, if you like Fallout 1 or 2, the Wasteland series, Stalker, etc, It's worth checking out this series simply for the great work and passion the dev team brings to the table.
Posted 18 January, 2022.
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7 people found this review helpful
83.1 hrs on record (36.8 hrs at review time)
I recently got around to replaying wasteland 2 and beating 3 for the first time and had the itch for more games in that style. Atom had been on my wishlist for quite some time but I never got around to it until recently and was very impressed. It's a love letter to the original Fallout games, Metro + Stalker series and countless other old RPGs while being its own distinct thing. If you don't want to read further but enjoy the atmosphere of any of those games and don't mind the gameplay of old turn based RPG's I would definitely say buy the game and try it out, for $15 without a sale it is 100% worth the money.

+ Extremely immersive world, brought me back to my first time playing the fallout series, always excited to explore, having no idea what you're going to run into in an encounter or on the world map. The progression feels pretty natural too, although the difficulty does spike a bit at the end.
+ Massive amount of sidequests, mostly with different outcomes for how you choose to solve them. The quest log is great too, it's common in these types of games for a character to tell you something and then your on your own and forget the specifics in a few hours, or in newer games with a marker that just tells you where to go. The quest log is a nice middle ground, you get the general city or area where to go, and what to do but that's about it. You still need to find the characters to talk to once there, find the task to do, etc. I was never totally lost like in some other games but never babied into the having a quest marker that plays the game for me.
+ Good weapon variety, never really a "ok I got this gun, it's the best now" scenario. There is a special weapon that is very powerful with high stat requirements, but the ammo is very scarce, and you can have a character make the ammo but it's inferior to the original. Most weapons have pros and cons to them, weight, AP cost, it may be powerful but use very expensive or rare ammo. Especially early game I found myself in a lot of fights not even using my best weapon because I didn't feel the enemies warranted the use of my low amount of ammo. I played a ranged build and I'd say the only category lacking is the SMG, one of my companions used SMG's and there weren't very many options later in the game.
+ Tons of dialogue/world building. I'll be honest, I skipped through some of the conversations, they're a ton. If that's your thing, you'll love it. If not, you can just skim and skip, I never had problems understanding characters or stories if I was just bored and skimmed it, for the most part I found a lot of the dialogue interesting to read. Keep in mind it can feel like too much if you enter a new city and decide to talk to everyone, or decide to go through every mundane dialogue choice on minor characters.
+ The game looks very nice. Some retro inspired games will have crappy graphics to cut down on work but not here. Everything looks great, I never saw something and thought it looked cheap or like it was cutting corners.
+ Great dev team. I played the game at the end of 2021, but from reading comments and the like from people who played since the beginning, the devs have added tons of free new content, fixed bugs, and are generally open to feedback and criticism from players. You can tell just by playing the game they had a lot of passion for making it which is a breath of fresh air when it seems every new game is made by a boardroom trying to maximize profits.

- Gameplay definitely isn't for everyone. A lot of RNG and saving to get good outcomes. I personally didn't mind it, but there are some fights in very enclosed areas or where you are surrounded where you really just need to get lucky it feels like. I liked the planning on seeing which enemies to take out first, but there really is a lot of luck to it. For instance, some enemies can literally kill you in one turn with an MG blast. Even on weak enemies, I had a random encounter with starting level rats later into the game and had to reset, because one of my companions accidentally crit another in the back of the head and killed him. Most of the annoying fights are late into the main quest, early game isn't very bad.
- Companions, tying in on my last point, they can be really dumb sometimes. I had tons of instances where companions would make terrible choices. For instance, instead of killing the enemy with the machine gun at 1HP that can kill you in one turn? No, I will shoot the guy who is knocked down on the ground and can't harm anyone. Even telling a companion to avoid combat, I had them run into enemies. I don't think having full control over your companions is the right call but sometimes they'll just do something that leaves you frustrated.
- Main Quest. Get money to enter city, get money to enter bunker, get money to hitch a ride on truck, get money to hitch a ride on boat, go to bunkers. Yeah, it's not the best, I wish there was more to it, but the sidequests more than make up for it so I can't complain too much.
- Dead city, cool metro inspired area traveling in subway tunnels to avoid radiation on the surface, except travelling underground is really annoying. As an endgame area it's just obnoxious to get into lots of random encounters with rats, the encounters mostly just felt like a waste of time in the subway. With higher stealth/survival I'm sure it's not as bad but it really got annoying after awhile.

Overall, my list of cons isn't even a reason not to play the game, just some minor complaints I had. The game is great, I sunk like 40 hours into it in a week and can see myself going back, doing other builds/playthroughs. It's well worth the low price they're asking, and if you read this far hopefully you check it out.
Posted 10 November, 2021.
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37 people found this review helpful
11 people found this review funny
371.1 hrs on record (299.4 hrs at review time)
company supports sacrificing babies to moloch
Posted 12 September, 2021.
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Showing 1-6 of 6 entries