過去 2 週間: 0.0 時間 / 総プレイ時間:155.1時間 (レビュー投稿時点:16.7時間)
投稿日: 2022年10月20日 18時43分
更新日: 2023年2月4日 4時26分

Where is review bombing when needed?

A rhythm game with random stuttering/lag is trash no matter what and it looks like it will never be fixed, at least officially, since there are unofficial patches that fix the game, but a developer should not rely on community fixes...

Edit. Apparently is fixed now. It's a shame it took that long to fix the game, but still, thumbs up

Edit 2. And stuttering has returned

Well it finally got updated, so review changed from negative to positive. The game has no major flaws antmore
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