Spencer   Ontario, Canada
Any idiot can piss on the floor, but it takes a real genius to ♥♥♥♥ on the ceiling. -Nick
Game banned by Activision from Black Ops 3 Multiplayer.

All I know to this this day is that when I clicked on Multiplayer, it said I'm banned. No info in-game, no info in Steam, no info from Steam Support or Activision Support since neither have the power to do anything. On top are 10+ no-replies from the Enforcement departments who I was told could possibly provide an explanation. @pcdev stopped messaging me back on Twitter after the first two times he pasted the standard No comment Non reversible statement.

Only thing I ever used was a basic AHK autoclicker for a few days way before the ban. As well, I (alongside other people, who never got banned) tried several times to rename sound file extensions in the game directory to get rid of ambient sound since there was no slider, but it just kept getting corrected by Steam after launching the game. I have never used cheats in an online game, I used cheat engine when I was a kid for some game which I can't remember, probably BloonsTD or some Browser game. This was before I even had Steam (14+ years ago) and nothing ever after, other than the autoclicker.

I could have triggered a bot with an insane flickshot. I didn't download the Twitch clip the guy posted since I just treated it as another guy calling me a hacker. Which I'm slapping myself for since I cannot get any info from anyone. He also said he submitted it to @pcdev on Twitter, which was common at the time. I have to admit, the clip looked like I was hacking because as anyone who has ever tried theater mode even once in the past knows, it does not reproduce gameplay well and does not look anything like recorded footage or what you see. It did not look like a human flick, it literally got completely lost in translation and looked like an aimbot. For this reason, I believe they don't ban off theater footage. Funny thing about this is, I didn't even intend to shoot the guy. As I was jumping up onto the rock perch near Bomb B on Infection, I hear buddy running around the rock to my right and flick at the last second before the rock blocked my vision. When I flicked, my mouse almost fell off the right side of my desk and I left clicked accidentally when I gripped it to lift/slide it back on (still happens to this day, this was one time it didn't get me killed). I've always used low sensitivity, currently in Black Ops 6 800dpi 4.0 in-game.

Most likely, it's regarding the video linked below, since the guy [4TG] RECON (76561198015616587) said he personally knew @pcdev and was for sure going to get me banned. He was also an "anti-hacker" and in his description had like a 50 line list of people by ID64's whom he reported and got banned. I don't think this video shows anything sketchy, this was just an average warmed up match for me at the time. I had plenty of hours on foot when this video was posted, I knew the maps and spawns. By this time, playing every game since COD4, I had thousands of hours between Xbox 360, PS3, Xbox One and PC.

This was posted 6 days before the ban (2016-02-14 03:05:36):

Just another victim of the system. ♥♥♥♥ you Activision for the permanent false stain on my account, and ♥♥♥♥ you Steam for allowing them to do this and revoking your policy to hide game bans after 7 years (but I agree). Now I get called a hacker anytime I do well in a FPS on Steam (friends also get called out for playing with a "hacker")...
Currently In-Game
1 game ban on record | Info
3317 day(s) since last ban