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11.3 godz. łącznie (6.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Love the game Love the character love almost everything about it..... the only thing i wish would change is optimization especialy for people with bad computers. if you dont have a prof gaming pc i dont recoment this game. now if your running like intel i 7 with 4-6 gigs of ram and a real graphics card then you probably dont need to worry too much
Opublikowana: 4 czerwca 2016.
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8.6 godz. łącznie (5.0 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
well the uninstall button works correctly :D joy thats 1/100 things that actualy works the way its suposed to in this game please dont bother playing this.
Opublikowana: 31 maja 2016. Ostatnio edytowane: 31 maja 2016.
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10.0 godz. łącznie (6.3 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
fun,cute,and a great way to learn the uninstallbutton (im joking) dont uninstall this game it is too much fun
Opublikowana: 22 maja 2016.
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8.3 godz. łącznie (3.7 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
ever wanted to be a mad scientist? well here is the game for you!
Opublikowana: 16 maja 2016.
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9.0 godz. łącznie (3.9 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
tons of fun for a good RPG very rare to find a game that reminds me so much of two worlds or oblivion
Opublikowana: 16 maja 2016.
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3.3 godz. łącznie (0.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
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Great game for a platformer energizing game play hours of entertainment i have had more fun in 5 minutes of playing this than i have playing most games
Opublikowana: 30 marca 2016.
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Według 744 osób ta recenzja jest przydatna
Według 54 osób ta recenzja jest zabawna
0.7 godz. łącznie (0.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
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I can forgive the early access, the banal graphics, the sudden drawing into combat after clicking "help" on the technology window, the overwhelming odds a newbie has to fight against (40 zombies? Really?), and the complete lack of tutorial. Hey, it was free to play.

What I cannot never forgive is draconian banning for "daring to discuss the chat rules in chat" or "disagreeing with the admin". People who were civil and polite in their questions got banned while I watched. This is unacceptable to me, and why I'll be uninstalling this game. I've noted that admins who do this kind of thing in games are usually petty tyrants, who impose their own "order" in the most dishonorable way you can imagine. Said admins are usually not able to defend their own banning in public, which is why they ban others who question their banning.

This is also why enlightened developers made chat filters: so they don't spend time and money hiring dishonorable admins. Chat filters are cheaper, more effective, and prevent some arbitrary dishonorable admin from going power crazy and driving away good people from a game.

I recommend you stay well away from this game, lest you be banned for daring to communicate.

edit#2 710/16 : hay guys something i wanted to point out is it odd how Xas keeps changing his name on steam and has his profile on private he is a game Mod/Admin/Dev/whatever and he needs to have a private profile that keeps changing the name
edit: 10/12/2016 : i cant find the last profile that had been named xas now that he has come with his main acc the acc that had posed on this thread was one of his multi acc's
here is Xas Trying to defend himself thinking i have forgoten his last blunder back in march.

Xas 1 hour ago
Seriously, I do not know spy, nor had I ever banned someone named spy.

My Profile was never hidden, nor have I used any other Aliases before.

I had kept quiet for months,
I had stopped moderating for months,
I had left the game for months,
I can forgive you for spreading and talking nonsense for months,
your profile, posts histories and replies from others shows your character on your profile,
I just didn't feel the need to argue with a youngster.

Read and get your facts right.


There were 13 people with Admin powers during that period of time,
if you were banned by someone.

You are Barking up the wrong tree.

Enough is said.
Have a good life.
and here is my responce the fact that you DARE lie to everyone by saying your profile was never private and you never changed alias's is compleate Gaben Sh1t. thats the worst lie i have ever heard and are you threatening me what can you posible do to ME Spy of Spyfullgaming. honestly Xas your Over your head on this one. this is one of the most top rated Reviews for the game and here you go Blundering all over it Not once not twice but three times, wow stupidity and humility has reached an all time low folks your whitnessing it here. btw creating a new acc and boosting it to make it look like an original acc does not count.. xas get smart get gud and get a life this review is and always will be the truth. because i am spy of spyfullgaming and i will give nothing but the truth in all my reviews.

here is more from xas

Xas 2 hours ago
Clicking on my name, on the profile page will shows I had never used any Aliases in Steam Account, while I can clearly see you have a long list of random names spy

spy (the freekill magnet), Oranjewce, spyfullgaming, spy {LINK USUNIĘTY}, Ninja Hawking, Church, spy {LINK USUNIĘTY}, Cha Boi, spy(AFK) ...

Well i'll let you continue your barkings.
Rather hard to have a proper conversation if one doesn't know how to convey messages without insulting or talking redundencies.

I can't really argue with kids over petty issues.

Just weary my name is appearing everywhere when I am not involved nor unknown of what did I do.
Keep doing what you enjoy.

and here is my responce

spy Just now
yes i do im a real person using a real steam acc that ive had for quite a long time having different names when your a small time youtuber gamer and part time scholar is very normal. now your a game moderater changing your name and privating your acc is not very trustworthy. my acc is open for all to comment and spread salt over my many names. also did i meantion i used to be a trader.


Xas 5 hours ago
If you can't see my account, I have no idea.
Others can.

Enough of trying to commute with you.
My mistake is trying to find reason with you.
I am not a moderator, nor did I changed name for the past 9 years on Steam or have any other accounts.
I am over forty years old and I dont wish to degrade my standards arguing on the net with youngsters.

Do what you deem fit.
This will be my last words for you.


spy Just now
nice you dont want to (degrade your standards) yet here you are 3 posts later degrading your (standards) right here.


Xas 5 hours ago
This review is a copy from another Reviewer,
This reviewer is just here for attention seeking and to see his review tops the chart in his pathetic account because of the hate rush months ago who boost his thumbs ups.

For those who does acts of deleting facts, editing, posting and hiding of non-factual details, fabricating, blinded by all these attention seeking reviews and Maligning me of things I am not involved in, bannings which I did not issue, faults of the game not caused by me, just because my name is easiest to bring up as I vocal in helping a developer who doesn't answer.

Conscience is clear, I did not do anything to most people other than protecting the english community as my duty.

I kind of want all of you to die a horrible death too when karma finds you.


wow xas nice job i thought you were done. ha you almost suprised me


Xas 1 hour ago
You have the decency to say I attack you,
when I do not know you, never met you,
while you been verbally attacking me for months,
while i kept quiet from your malignings on things i am unaware of nor participated in.

People like you, I can only swear and pray daily you meet a horrible end.
Opublikowana: 7 marca 2016. Ostatnio edytowane: 18 października 2016.
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1,039.1 godz. łącznie (153.8 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
CS:GO the game of who shot first

Edit: post CS2 launch. this isnt worth it
Opublikowana: 30 grudnia 2015. Ostatnio edytowane: 11 października 2023.
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1,479.1 godz. łącznie (881.6 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Edit: 7/23/2022: there seems to be light at the end of the tunnel... finally we might be getting some love and affection from daddy valve. the bots are mostly gone so i guess i can recommend new players give tf2 a try

after over 1.4k hours.. ive finally given up on this game... through thick and thin i thought valve would be here for us but honestly its ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ depressing trying to keep up hope that one day Daddy Valve will come and save my favorite game... its time we all move on from tf2 and find better games to play where the developers still care... im finally done waiting for valve to finally keep up on their promises for a heavy update.. im done waiting for valve to fix my beloved class after the torrent of nerfs slammed into the spy making most of his side weapons and tools an absolute joke. gone are the days of monthly updates and every other week having a new patch changing this and that... the game has already had its own Sickness.. unalike irl and covid.. tf2 has had a bot plague infecting it from its core.. and the toxic slimeballs who thought that ruining one of the best free to play games out there in a time where everyone was stuck indoors was an acceptable thing to do.. truth be told if i could kill the people responsible i wouldnt hesistate. maybe that would have saved tf2 from its current state... maybe it would still be enjoyable but no.... the bot crisis has done its job and slammed the final nail in the coffin for this delapidated unloved game.. goodbye tf2 you where honestly the best game ive ever played. and grew up along side.
Opublikowana: 5 grudnia 2015. Ostatnio edytowane: 23 lipca 2022.
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585.8 godz. łącznie (290.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
Recenzja wczesnego dostępu
hay guys i would just like to say here GREAT GAME but dont judge the game by what we commenters say go play it for your self besides what is 4 hours of your time going to be used on if your here your bored and looking for another great game to play try this one out you might just like it -AI_coolsky

(10/2/15) re-review: hello AI here just doing an update on my review as it stands this game is still great with a booming population of players but since my last review this game has had its ups and downs now the downs were not horible but they have not gone unseen by me. one of these problems is que time for matches and just the overall change of how the game is played since i first made this review so many things have changed so as i have said before and i will say again try the game see if you like it if you do maby give me a message saying thanks for recomendation just to see if anyone even reads reviews like mine this has been a AI review good day to you - AI_coolsky (spy)
Opublikowana: 2 października 2015.
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