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161.0 h registradas (14.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
personally as a F2P loving the game. are the games microtransactions a little... steep... and egregious... yeah definitely. BUT the silver lining is that every character in the game is 100% unlockable for free just by playing the game. with a not so terrible grind. 14.8 hours as of writing this and i already have almost half of the required stuff to get a ultimate descendant (im totally not going for papa ajax) but with that out of the way

Gameplay: a wonderful fusion of halo's aesthetics and map design with a hint of destiny 2 with the gunplay of warframe! what a godsent combination of absolute fun

character design: a perfect mix of simplistic and complex characters you have your generic 4-5 for people just starting out (ajax being your standard reinheart from overwatch with a new twist) or on the oposite spectrum you have characters like bunny who have a charge up mechanic to use her abilities by using her speed boost you charge up a electricity meter that allow the use of her more powerful abilities and finely controlling the balance between what ill call mana and electricity.

weapon design: simple and straight forward with all your expected weapon archetypes. (thank god)
while still having a complexity to them in the form of the rock paper scissors burst,break,pierce mechanic making you really think about your build combinations.

boss fights: flashy big and a growing challenge as you progress. each boss adding new mechanics and a level of tact needed to take the later ones down.

the grind: the most important part of this whole game. while the game has a vast amount you can progress toward the game does offer a very vast toolset to aid you in finding what you need with a lot of helpful features like item tracking, down to even showing you exactly what mission on what map you need to complete and even drop % chances on said item so you will never be lost when grinding for anything in the game

conclusion: while the game has had a ton of issues with its servers,drops,apology rewards given being tied to buying skins and items from the cash shop which admittedly are a tad scummy if we speak purely objectively this is an absolutely incredible game when it isnt crashing/lagging out due to either the optimization issues or server issues. do keep in mind this is a NEXON game the same people who made and run nexon zombies one of the most egregiously P2W games ever made this game is definetly not one of them. while you can purchase all characters right from the second you launch the game they have done extremely well making everything in the game (non cosmetic) fully unlockable by pure gameplay without a single dollar spent. even the battlepass gives the best rewards absolutely free and the only things you get for purchasing it is fully cosmetic so in the end id say give the game a try it wont be for everyone but i will say its definetly atleast worth a try. give the game a go and see what you think. after all this is just my opinions but as a die hard gaming addict and a small time twitch streamer im absolutely loving the game and i look forward to playing it every day
Publicada el 7 de julio de 2024.
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25.9 h registradas
absolutely unplayable on modern pc's i have a RTX 3080 a intel i7 12th gen and 64 gb of ddr 4 ram and its absolutely unplayable in multiplayer zombies and campaign
Publicada el 2 de julio de 2024.
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86.0 h registradas (78.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Edit: 5/6/2024
Fellow helldivers! We did it! we have defeated the latest automaton menace threatening our community. a new faction of robots going by the code name sony recently launched a sabotage attempt against our fellow helldivers after a hard fought battle we overcame their attack and have achieved victory!

Well goodbye helldivers 2. this is gonna hurt but im not going to let sony get away with this. BROTHERS! COME JOIN ME IN SOLIDARITY COME PLAY HELLDIVERS 1 WHICH DOES NOT REQUIRE A PSN ACC. GIVE SONY THE MIDDLE FINGER! THIS IS NOT OK. WE DO NOT SUPPORT SONY WE SUPPORT ARROWHEAD GAMES! This is not AGS's Decision this is purely greed from sony and AGS has no choice so lets show our support for AGS and the devs of helldivers by bringing helldivers 1 back above helldivers 2. show them that we are serious!

REVIEWS: 86% --> Down to 56% Keep leaving negative reviews and asking for refunds Sony often gets hacked https://www.twitch.tv/piratesoftware/clip/TangentialBashfulFlamingoKAPOW-u0fayVxa0jR8ZcyK April 2011: Hackers Access Personal Data of 77 Million Sony PlayStation Network Users
May 2011: Personal Details on 25 Million Sony Online Entertainment Customers Stolen
June 2011: Sony Pictures Website Hacked, Exposing One Million Accounts
November 2014: Hackers Steal 100 Terabytes of Data from Sony Pictures
August 2017: Hacker Group Accesses Sony Social Media Accounts
September 2023: Sony Investigates Alleged Hack
October 2023: Sony Notifies Employees of Data Breach

just for funsies Edit (5/4/2024)
List of countries where people cant make PSN accounts:
Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Andorra, Angola, Antigua Barbuda, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahamas, Bangladesh, Barbados, Belarus, Belize, Benin, Bhutan, Bosnia Herzegovina, Botswana, Brunei, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cape Verde, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo (Congo-Kinshasa), Republic of the Congo (Congo-Brazzaville),Djibouti Dominica, Dominican Republic East Timor (Timor-Leste), Egypt, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Estonia, Eswatini(Swaziland), Ethiopia, Fiji, Gabon, Gambia, Georgia, Ghana, Grenada, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kenya, Kiribati, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Latvia, Lesotho, Liberia, Libya, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Madagascar, Malawi, Maldives, Mali, Marshall Islands, Mauritania, Mauritius, Micronesia, Moldova, Monaco, Mongolia, Montenegro, Morocco, Mozambique, Myanmar (Burma), Namibia, Nauru, Nepal, ♥♥♥♥♥, Nigeria, North Macedonia (formerly Macedonia), Palau, Papua New Guinea, Rwanda, Saint Kitts, Nevis Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, Grenadines Samoa, San Marino, Sao, Tome, Principe Senegal, Seychelles, Sierra Leone, Solomon Islands, Somalia, South Sudan, Sri Lanka, Sudan, and Suriname
Publicada el 3 de mayo de 2024. Última edición: 6 de mayo de 2024.
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4.4 h registradas (4.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
unplayable garbage. great game and def a classic but in 2024 its completely unplayable. crashes right after launch and ever since the last patch over a year ago there are no solutions to fix the game crashing on startup since all previous fixes surrounded removing windows live.
Publicada el 26 de abril de 2024.
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41.0 h registradas (37.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
having nearly completed the game (on the final mission) i wanted to write this quick review.
Thoughts?: fun,exciting,amazing easily those three words. having and struggling with ADHD i always struggle to complete games in one sitting (in my case actually having the drive to sit down and keep playing something) so to my absolute suprise when i kept getting excited to get home from work day after day and keep playing and keep exploring aloy's story the world of Horizon. farming for new weapons. new armor. exploring to find more lore about Zero Dawn and Far zenith, lore about the tenakth and how the world has progressed since the first game. safe to say very few games have managed to get me so... enraptured and continually excited for whats next.
Familiar Far cry game style (if your a fan of the open world style of far cry)
Weapons feeling good to use
New and Old machines to fight and over-ride
New Regions to explore
A Solid Story to uncover
A pretty Solid Stealth system (for those like me who love stealth gameplay)
Much improved climbing mechanics from the first game
Janky Assasination/takedown mechanic: in my playthrough i cant begin to count how many times i snuck up on some one got the prompt to kill them silently just for aloy to bonk them upside the head with my spear and alert the entire camp im sneaking around or slap a robot on the ass like im trying to say HEY EVERYONE HERE I AM!
Stunlocking: understanding that the game does have some darksouls esk dodge mechanics it is paramount to getting good at this game but personally i wasnt a fan of how often id dodge and still get hit by something just to be repeatedly knocked down,stunned (robot scream disabling your ability to use weapons and slowing you),ragdolled right into another enemy rinse repeat for a solid 30-50 seconds made some sections of combat completely unenjoyable.
Sylens: not really a con. but ♥♥♥♥ that guy.... he sucks....

In my opinion this is definetly a game worth playing the devs have absolutely knocked it out of the park and i cant wait to see more from the Horizon games.... lets just hope its not another Playstation exclusive for 5 years till we can finally touch it on pc... seriously... screw sony for locking this behind a 500+$ paywall. if you liked the first game you will love this one too. its only gotten better in my opinion and i wont stop being excited to see more
Publicada el 2 de abril de 2024. Última edición: 2 de abril de 2024.
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dont buy it... it isnt giving me my dlc after purchase through steam... again
Publicada el 10 de octubre de 2023.
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143.2 h registradas (2.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Alright, let's actually provide a constructive review. Why are people "review bombing" Overwatch 2?

We paid for Overwatch, we supported it throughout its lifespan, it was popular and liked by its community, and turning a happy profit each year.

When Blizzard announced Overwatch 2, the big new feature they announced, the entire premise that made it "worth the sequel treatment" was the PvE campaign mode. Hero talent trees, customizable abilities, an expansive co-op campaign that would add to the story and lore. We were told it was going to be so much work that they wouldn't be putting out updates for Overwatch any more, they were re-allocating the staff to work on this new project.

With no updates, and no content, Overwatch started to get stale... people grew tired and bored, spending less time in the game, or moving on. Many of us stuck with the product, playing a little each week just to keep fresh... waiting for the new campaign mode. For a lot of us, playing became a chore, something we were doing out of habit, so we'd be ready for the new campaign...

But the new campaign wasn't the premise that established OW2, it was the pretext. It was a lie. Blizzard abandoned the PvE campaign a full YEAR before OW2 launched - but continued to push it in marketing as the big new feature. It's even in the announcement trailer for OW2, and on the roadmaps. They knew they'd canned it 12 months earlier, but they knew that's what people wanted, so kept putting it front and centre to get people's money, to get people to buy into the project. They took our trust and monetized it.


What does OW2 ACTUALLY offer then? What did they work on for those two years that was so important that they couldn't make content for OW1, the product people paid for and were supporting?

1) They overhauled the graphical engine:

Before, Overwatch would play on a relatively low spec computer, and it'd be smooth. Now, it stutters and stammers in the menus. They've added this weird shiny plastic finish to everything in the world, heroes and environment alike - so where before, heros would "pop" against the background and be easy to follow, now everything has the same texture to it, and it all merges together into visual noise - especially at longer ranges. They've compensated for how bad this looks by adding lots of additional flashy effects and explosions, that makes it much harder to see anything amidst the chaos. A PvP game at this pace relies heavily on quick disambiguation of what you're looking at, so you can react and compete, and the new engine makes this impossible without turning all the effects back off... meaning that the two years of development is for a feature best disabled.

The new engine also has a weird slippery "feel" to it. Reviewers who'd played Overwatch for 50 hours came into Overwatch 2 and reported "look! it's the same Overwatch you love, but it's F2P now! Just ignore the monetization and you can play this great game for free!" Established long term players with thousands of hours were on reddit complaining that their hitboxes were all over the place and shots that would previously "feel" like a dead certain hit were just completely whiffing, and they didn't understand why. All the timings are messed up.

2) They reworked most of the heroes:

TLDR: they screwed up the game balance. Previously, one of the biggest appeals of Overwatch was that you could find a hero that suited your play style, and main them, getting good at whatever suited you best. Some people like sniping, or hitscan run and gun, some people aren't good at reactionary aim and instead liked to focus on positioning, tactics and strategy. You could make a big positive different to your team by playing lucio or mercy, and paying attention to your surroundings, and positioning yourself in the right place at the right time to make the difference.

With Overwatch 2, the damage and healing behaviour has been reworked heavily. Now, the one tank on the team is insanely chunky, and it's near impossible to kill them quickly - with healer support, they can just stand in the line of fire and laugh. Everyone else dies almost immediately, regardless of who their aggressor is.

Team-fighting now is very one-note, you have one tank who's immortal if they have support, and you have four hitscan DPS characters following them - there's not a lot of difference between supports and DPS characters. The teams try to pick off the other team's DPS/Support characters, and when they pick a few off, they can finish the tank and take the objective. Repeat. There's no room for variation in play style at all, you either play a DPS and try to kill the other team DPS, or you play a tank, and try to position correctly - maybe picking off an enemy hero that gets too close to you.

I understand a lot of this came from feedback at the professional levels, where support players were complaining that they wanted to have more direct impact in teamfights, they wanted the game to feel more like other FPS games - but for a large portion of Overwatch's playerbase specifically, the appeal of the game was that you could do something else and still matter.

3. They got INCREDIBLY greedy with the monetization...

It's a longstanding argument that lootboxes are terrible in modern gaming... but Overwatch was one of the few examples of Lootboxes done right. Most of the long-term players of the game actually liked the system, that just rewarded you for playing the game and let you unlock whatever content you wanted relatively quickly. I started playing OW1 with the first anniversary, cleared the weekly boxes from arcade every week, and at the launch of OW2, I owned every single item in the game. Those who didn't have the time to invest in doing everything could still quickly unlock specific items they wanted (and let's be honest, when you have your favourite skin, how much do you care about unlocking other skins?) - and those who didn't want to spend hours unlocking stuff could spend a little cash to get it - if they wanted to.

The new system puts almost everything behind a paywall. The minute number of cosmetics on the "free" track are often insultingly lazy, simple recolours or minor alterations, while they put serious effort into skins that you can only buy for $20. The content you can unlock by grinding often feels like it only exists to drag you into interfaces that advertise the paid content for you. Even content from the first game, that was originally free, is now paid only.

Battlepass systems suck. "Pay us for the opportunity to unlock stuff if you play a lot. If you don't you have to pay us more, or lose the stuff you already paid for." - Limited time deals, rotating shop offers, FOMO FOMO FOMO... it reeks of manipulation and insincerity.

4. Occasional DLC packs of PvE adventures.

These are Blizzard's "new" approach to PvE. Occasional mission packs where you can get a little bit of story and a PvE mission. You can pay (in my UK currency) £13 for the DLC pack, or £35 (the cost of a good indie game" for the "ultimate bundle".

So here's the thing - this content is the same amount of content, and the same pace of release as the old mission scenarios - it's just now, instead of them being a free event to get people excited about playing and encourage their friends to join up - now they're paid DLC.

Nobody likes paying a regular subscription for a product that they previously owned completely. It doesn't make anyone like Adobe Photoshop or Microsoft Office, and it doesn't make anyone like Blizzard.


So this is why people are "review bombing" your game. You took something we paid for, supported and enjoyed for years, lied to us about your plans, and turned it into trash. Now you're telling us to pay for features and content we previously enjoyed in the game we paid for. It's greedy, it's cynical, it's manipulative, and you've lost our trust.

Also you should fire Bobby Kotick.

(this is a stolen review but i fully agree)
Publicada el 11 de agosto de 2023. Última edición: 10 de junio de 2024.
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11.9 h registradas
was gud
Publicada el 17 de octubre de 2022.
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7.7 h registradas (0.4 h cuando escribió la reseña)
ok im just going to say it... what the actual ♥♥♥♥... as a avid fan of the old hot wheels games. millions of hours played as a kid on the xbox 360 playing by myself vs the bots or even racing against my dad growing up until i was old enough for need for speed.... what the hell is this abomination.... how could ANYONE call this a good game... how... just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ how could anyone look at this lootbox infested dumpsterfire and say THIS IS HOT WHEELS..... DID NO ONE LEARN FROM EA... seriously what the actual ♥♥♥♥ is this.... why would you not only make a hot wheels games which are intended FOR KIDS... and then inject so much garbage lootbox gambling into it you could mistake it as a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ casino with how many micro transactions and how GEARED the entire game is towards these lootboxes... you legitimately CANNOT play the game without having to open/grind for more of these lootboxes... they are a CORE GAME ELEMENT... gee when is the last time i heard of lootboxes being a CORE GAMEPLAY ELEMENT oh look no further than Electronic Art's STAR WARS BATTLEFRONT 2... the asolute dumpsterfire of a game that got so much hate and bad publicity they had to gut nearly 70% of the game's mechanics to remove the lootboxes... and those lootboxes where the exact same as here they where a core gameplay element
Publicada el 15 de agosto de 2022.
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1.6 h registradas
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great game but as of right now the game is dead. your LUCKY if you can find a match at any time of day., i refunded this and will rebuy it at a later date to see if anything changes
Publicada el 30 de mayo de 2022.
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