-=[Maverick]=-   Germany
:arcade: Multiplatform-Gamer/Arcade + Oldschool-Games-Connoisseur :arcade:
:cleanfloppy: PC/Console: Xbox Series X,PS4,Atari 2600+7800,Evercade VS :cleanfloppy:
:DG_Protector: Favorite Genres: RPGs,Dungeon-Crawlers,Tactic-RPGs,TBS,FPS :DG_Protector:
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The Elder Scrolls Online
13 1
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The Mysterious Landscapes of "Valley"
26 6
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Dungeon crawling one step at a time.
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Dark Project II - The Metal Age * My German Boxed-Edition *
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Eye of the Beholder I * My German Boxed-Edition *
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Drakensang * My German Collectors Edition *
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21 Jam dimainkan
Nox Archaist - A Landmark in Recreating Old RPG-Journeys

The Enthusiastic People of "Workshop 6502" did an brilliant Job: Capturing the Spirit and Atmosphere of a traditional 80's RPG-System, with the Tile-Based Look taken from its clearly inspiring Series, the legendary Ultima-Series from Origin Systems.

As a longtime Ultima-Fan this gave me first strong Nostalgic-Feelings because of the iconic (Apple II)-Optics that were familiar. But the Great and Real Strength of Nox Archaist is the fascinating, unique World-Design and Concept of the Title, which makes the Hours spent Ingame so rewarding: It's Fun to Explore, uncovering piece by piece more of the complex Storyline, which adds Depth to the Oldschool-Playing Experience. Bolstering your Party for the growing Dangers and the complete Freedom of Specializing your Characters does the right Thing for the Motivation. I like the tactical Turn-Based Combat-System, where Positioning the Party, efficient Spellcasting and Weapon-Use can make the Difference between Success or Death.

The well placed Eastereggs and occasionally spread in Humor is a nice Bonus on top. Rumors spread Nox Archaist had such an Impact, that even Lord British himself traveled the Dimensions and showed up for some Help!

Heck, when you told me 10 Years ago, that i would ever type in Keywords to an NPC in my Keyboard or take a Pencil and draw my own Paper-Maps of the Dungeons, i would surely told you that you are a little crazy! Now look at me... Besides that, i really enjoy the "Quality-of-Life-Features" that the "Quick Combat"-Option or the built-in "Journal" do for some nice Comfort, while adventuring abroad the Lands and Seas.

So, let's come to my final Conclusion:

Nox Archaist, thou dost have my humble Recommendation!

The Title is a pure Loveletter to the early RPG-Genre, made by Fans for us Fans! Chapeau!
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The optional Nostalgic UI of Skald: Closer we don't get to the beloved Look of the early Ultima-Titles ;-)
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This is the first of six chapters in Book of Alaric. This chapter involves anything that is not specific to any one hero, and it contains virtually everything you'd ever need to know for playing Endless mode in even the most difficult levels. If you've eve
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Frontline: World At War is the latest Installment in the long-running Frontline-Series from an dedicated One-Man Development Studio and once again offers classic Turn-Based Hexfield-Battles in the World War II-Setting on the Side of the Axis or Allies.

Although there is no manageable, consistent Core-Army as in SSI's "Panzer General" from the 90's, the tactical Battles of the individual "Operations" and the "Grand Campaign"-Missions are impressive in their Map Size and the Variety of Units (over 350 included). Their beautiful and detailed Ingame-Models are also appealing on the zoomable Maps. Commanding the Army and utilizing the Special Abilities of the Units, surrounding & flanking the enemy, capturing essential Resources and Enemy Cities is almost as much fun as in the aforementioned PC-Classic from the famous American Developer SSI, even if the Fronline-Series hasn't the tight Turn Limit and deeper Mechanics.

Another positive Aspect is the continuous Improvement of the Gaming-Experience through further Updates, which brought more Ease of Play and additional Features, such as complete New Air Units and their AA-Counterparts on the Ground, to the Game after its initial Release. Crisp Battle Sounds and the included Radio Station, which broadcasts Messages from the Front (and plays some nice Soundtracks), are very conducive to the Battlefield-Atmosphere.

Frontline: World At War is too easy for the real "Hardcore-Strategist" due to the "Beer & Pretzels"-Gameplay and it's simplified Supply-System. But I can recommend the Title to Newcomers of the Turn-Based Strategy-Genre or the Afterwork-Generals due to its forgiving Level of Difficulty and the overall good Gameflow it offers. For the Price of 10 Bucks they will get surely some entertaining Hours on their Clock.
tingeltangeltom 1 Apr @ 2:20am 
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Frohe Ostern!
tingeltangeltom 1 Jan @ 6:25am 
Ich wünsche Dir alles Gute für 2024! Hoffentlich hast Du genug Zeit zum Zocken.
tingeltangeltom 26 Des 2023 @ 12:33am 
Ich wünsche Dir schöne Weihnachten und einen guten Rutsch ins Jahr 2024. Bleib gesund! :happymeat::HangingController:
bertkli 24 Des 2023 @ 7:37am 
Ein besinnliches Fest und frohe, gesunde und glückliche Weihnachten wünsch ich Dir :-)
bertkli 1 Des 2023 @ 7:46am 
Nen entspanntes Wochenende wünsch ich Dir und nen schönen Start in den Advent... :-)
Sword that Slays Wisdom 15 Jul 2023 @ 9:01pm 
Git somthin we can play together, mate! Hurr