
MrVasmir の最近のレビュー

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It comes with a heavy heart to write this review.
I followed this game during alphas, joined the beta and got to play the first glimpse of what was hunt.
I was there on release, watched how the game got better, how things were improving and how much fun and different the game was from -ANY- other shooter extraction game out there.
I agreed with every patch, I was excited for anything to change, for anything new, because it was all gold.

Then Hunt got popular enough to attract the consoles. Which is good, but not when it drives change in a single focus. Up until the UI changes things were alright, then the new UI change of Hunt 1896 came out, it was...not good. I could bear it though and tried to enjoy the game.

As events passed I found myself liking the direction less and less. Then we had the first out of world interaction. Ghost Face popped up and I said to myself "This is either going to be a one off, or we're going down the mainstream rabbit hole."

Then the next event was a Post Malone related event. I gave up at this point, hunt was joining the shoveled shooter slop of other games.

I really enjoyed the game as it was, and could play it back to back all day. Guess it's just out grown me. A unique game slowly devolving into the generic shooters we see all around. I almost miss the original concept of 4 player missions before the pvp ideas popped up now.
投稿日 2024年11月28日.
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総プレイ時間:50.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:37.0時間)
I'll start with the bad, because that's what most want to hear first.

UPDATE: The Major softlocks are fixed within a week of the game's release. The devs have fixed over 600 bugs in that time. As expected that is what happened and why the game got a positive review earlier, with that said, looks like there is only the one con below left.

-Rushed late-game feel: The game has so much in the beginning, you feel so engrossed, but as you leave the first area content grows thinner and more spread out, it's easy to feel this 'lack of content' for the space given. It's not major but it does make it feel less than great.

With the only one negative there, I'm enjoying the game, the return of the story was amazing so far. The nostalgia call backs, trying to find stuff from older games in this one, from the lore bits to actual locations. The game plays into its community, those original STALKER fans will enjoy the game. People who haven't played the previous will feel left out to a degree.
投稿日 2024年11月27日. 最終更新日 2024年12月1日
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総プレイ時間:329.8時間 (レビュー投稿時点:0.1時間)
Was here when it first arrived on steam. Followed when their own launcher came out. Didn't play for a while as other things came up. See they went demo/f2p on steam, thought it was a great way for people to feel out the punishing extraction like game without being bound to it as the gameplay isn't for everyone. Good choices, but I guess people don't like demos and just want everything handed out? Not sure what all the issues are about but when anyone can say anything guess that's what you get.

All I have to say, if you don't like this demo option with nothing keeping you stuck with your non-purchase, go play greed is good or something I suppose?

Edit: Took a look at reviews, imagine being mad at receiving a multiplayer demo. The only other option for a f2p service would be another server with all the f2p players on it instead, which is bad business. I get that sometimes the customer is right and some things need to be addressed but this case it's just entitled people asking for everything to be free. It's like walking into a pizza place where you're allowed 1 slice of pizza with no toppings for free and complaining you didn't get toppings or the whole pizza. Take your free ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ pizza!
投稿日 2024年6月9日. 最終更新日 2024年6月15日
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The game is good and fun when with friends, rocky event happen but democracy prevails.

---Below is kept for record, above is changed as Sony withdrew its attempt at forcing registrations---

Glad I could play when I first purchased, but now a big company decides that things can't be left alone and have to try and profit off something more and more, nothing is ever enough. In the last few weeks the player count has dropped by 70k-80k players, some likely because they are not even allowed to play anymore because of Sony's choice to force account registrations, even those in multiple areas that are not able to do so, essentially scamming and robbing people of their money while they get nothing in return because they are unable to log into the game systems now. They purchased a PC game on a PC platform (Steam) and are asked to sign up for a 3rd party console account.
投稿日 2024年5月5日. 最終更新日 2024年5月6日
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総プレイ時間:6.6時間 (レビュー投稿時点:1.6時間)
If you played it before it's back and still fun. If you're new, it's casual enough that you'd likely enjoy it too. All cosmetics and characters are earned just by playing, when that was the norm.
投稿日 2024年4月11日.
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7 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
FPS under 60 at mid settings on a decent pc that runs everything else on ultra and ray tracing at 60+ fps
Microtransations in a $70 game, can be ignored but disgraceful
Bland gameplay that doesn't really vibe well with, felt punished for playing magic, didn't get to fully play assassin before refunding, tldr got bullied out of leveling a mage
Not a horrible game, but $70 wasn't worth it in the end. Shame really liked #1
投稿日 2024年3月24日.
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I bought this back in EA, saw it was up my way in game style. I enjoy the art, the setting, the general playstyle, but one thing just kept me away.
Looting and Moving.
I came back to see if anything changed, game looks nicer, but the idea of having to burn cards just to move around the map is insanely annoying. I tried the first dungeon and had to lose because I was moving around with no enemies to get to things. The ability to walk should be an innate feature, not forcing me to kill off my people because they decided to open a door and walk to another which took too long to them so they passed out.
I want to like this game, but I would not recommend it, there are better mechanically developed games out there and this one just isn't welcoming enough.
投稿日 2023年9月3日.
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総プレイ時間:5.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:5.3時間)
This game is very charming, it can appeal to the casual arena shooter. The card system is fun and always makes different matches feel different. There are a few glaring issues but the devs are working on fixing those! I'm not one for arcadish jumping around and more of a slow paced shooter but this game is def a good one that made me wanna keep playing.

投稿日 2023年6月3日.
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総プレイ時間:3.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:3.7時間)
As a Dungeon Master some outcomes in the game are completely unwarranted and way too punishing even by my standards. It's unbelievable some of the things that can happen right next to a city. For example stumbling upon a item that forces you back to rank 1. Or perhaps the multitude of events that end in you losing all your gear with no way to get them back. It was interesting at first to have a hardcore factor, but holy hell its used way too often. I find myself save scumming way too much now which ruins the whole purpose of these choices now.

If you like this sorta thing where you can just save right before a spot then go ahead and like it, or if you like the extreme results with no warning in text context in a text based game then yeah, might be your thing, til then I slowly find myself losing interest.
投稿日 2023年2月18日.
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2 人がこのレビューが参考になったと投票しました
This game has promise but currently it's not worth it. It's extremely frustrating to play.
It plays like an arcade box game where it's meant for you to pump coins in to keep playing, but you don't get that option so you just end up losing all the time. I've played numerous roguelites and they all have a sense of growth and progression, sadly this game never addresses the issue of your dwindling hp pool ever, you always get the heros with the same starting life and increases along the way are only boosted by 1 hp or so, which is not helpful against monsters that swing for 5-9s.
The game says to choose your targets wisely so that you can take advantage of who will attack next, but if you kill the one attacking next the game just picks another monster to go instead if there is one, effectively making the choice obsolete unless it's the last monster in the turn.
There is no key guide on what symbols above players and monsters heads mean sometimes, so when I get retaliated against by a monster because there was a little symbol I couldn't see well on them and die it's very annoying.

Some possible fixes or QoL to make this game more enjoyable would be:
1: Make the symbols have a hover text or information box
2: When a monster dies who's turn it is next monsters lose a turn
3: Make healing more prevalent and get rid of extreme punishments like the skull of fate
4: Let heros level up with mastery so they start with more hp so players can go further
5: Let players see what a hero does before unlocking
投稿日 2022年10月31日.
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開発元は 2022年11月1日 3時11分 に返答しました (返答を表示)
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