검은 비
United States
Watashi wa 👅 a 👌 victim of 💦 cyberbullying. Everyday 🗓 someone 👤 online 💻 calls 🗣 me 😭 a 👌 "weeb" desu. 👌 Watashi won't 🚫 stand 💨 for 🍆 this. 👈 26 percent 🔟 of 💦 bullying 😂 victims are 🔢 chosen due to 💦 their 🍆 race 🖕 or 💁 religion 🕋 desu. 👌 I 👁 may 🗓 look 👀 like 💖 a 👌 basic 🚂 white 👱 boy, 👦 but 🍑 deep 😱 down 🔻 I 👁 am 👏 Nihongo desu. 👌 Watashi religion 🕋 is 💦 anime. 😹 Anata wa 👅 bullying 😂 me 😭 because 💁 of 💦 my 👨 race 🖕 and 👏 religion 🕋 desu 👌 ka? Disgusting 😝 desu. 👌 Anata should 💘 be 🐝 ashamed 😳 of 💦 yourself, 🙄 pig. A 👌 baka gaijin like 💖 anata is 💦 probably 😻 jealous 😒 of 💦 my 👨 race 🖕 and 👏 culture, cause 💋 Nippon is 💦 more 🍗 sugoi than 👉 your 👏 ♥♥♥♥♥♥ 💩 country 🏃 desu. 👌 Watashi pity 😢 anata. You'll 👉 never 🙅 be 🐝 Nihongo like 💖 watashi. I'm 💘 a 👌 weeb? Pfft. I 👁 AM 👏 AN 👹 OTAKU DESU. 👌 Educate yourself 🙄 on 🔛 nani a 👌 "weeb" is 💦 before 😂 anata try 😐 to 💦 insult 😦 watashi desu. 👌 I 👁 WILL 👏 NOT 🚫 BE 🐝 CYBERBULLIED ANYMORE. 🔥 REPORTED.
3月2日 に最後にプレイ
3月2日 に最後にプレイ
3月2日 に最後にプレイ
strong.christopher23 2023年6月2日 18時51分 
strong.christopher23 2023年6月2日 18時51分 
ur gay
strong.christopher23 2023年6月2日 18時50分 
wtf are these comments lol
Sim 2019年5月29日 15時21分 
Pipfugl 2019年3月11日 0時21分 
fuZZie RoLL 2018年6月3日 15時27分 
-rep Worst player i've ever seen