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投稿日: 2021年6月27日 22時48分

As a huge Fan of 3DM Wallpaper i was really excited to get a key for this Game.

The Art Style like in every game is just beautiful,the same goes for the calm music.

The game doesnt really has a big story besides you being a fox who get left behind by his family who went trough a portal?? (kinda weird and a small mood killer for the opening scene)

But sadly the game has a few bad spots:

The Camera in my opinion is only good for Cutscenes but for the gameplay itself horrible,sometimes i cant really move my Fox besides i can only look at the Ground

The button for the activities like moving,playing etc sometimes dont work. I needed to click 20+ times on the "Move " button for my Fox being able to move.

What i also really dislike is that you are just getting thrown into the life of the fox,you dont get any information about the controls and what to do,how to hunt,what the button do that you use to interact and move your fox etc.

I see that the Devs put alot of work and love into the Game but in its current state i wouldnt launch it again until further updates.
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