§єǫuєᴋʜaɴ ⚶
Justin McIntosh   Victoria, Australia
Seqqeqeth / Sequekhan / The Master / Azi Dahaka / Sir Auron / Mr Torgue Flexington
Add me if you like Final Fantasy, Dragons, Tomb Raider, Assassin's Creed, stealth or you like some of my stuff on Youtube or deviantArt.
현재 오프라인
Stand up and say no to Animal and Human Rights Violations
OVERPOPULATION is the number one threat to everything. If you never have kids, you're already doing your part for a better future.

from the wiki:
David Attenborough described humans as a "plague on the Earth", and described the act of sending food to famine-stricken countries as "barmy" for population reasons. He called for more debate about human population growth, saying that since he "first started making programmes 60 years ago, the human population has tripled."

"anyone who thinks that you can have infinite growth in a finite environment is either a madman or an economist."

PSN Profile:

old PSN profile:


now introducing deviantArt:

Ain't got time for steam clubs. But I do love talking gaming.

If I appear inactive, bear with me as I'm trying to catch up with multiple huge backlogs... work is such a drag. Either PSNing, Steaming or Youtubing.

Also me from before 2010:
sequekhan on gamespot (deleted, but I think it still exists despite that, stupid derpspot)
추천 아트워크 전시대
Two Hearts
11 2
아트워크 전시대
추천 아트워크 전시대
Shiny Esper Crystals
170 6 3
제품 평가 전시대
56시간 플레이
The first I played in the series - a long-time classic and forever favourite

As evinced by my play time, in addition to a modded executable and playing the CD version before Steam even came along, I love TR2. The game as a whole just feels so right - the musical ambience, the variety of locations and visuals, Lara's quick wit and enquiring mind... but the story really stands out for me. It's an incredible achievement that showcases everything these early titles can accomplish.

The story begins with Lara already clued up on the Temple of Xian beneath the Great Wall of China, but is stopped short by a heavy door with an unusual lock and a thug. The thug provides Lara with clues as to his employer, and so we follow Lara as she tracks down more information regarding the temple. From Venice to an offshore rig, to 40 fathoms under the sea to a shipwreck, to Tibet and the monastery of Barkhang, eventually leading back to the Temple of Xian itself, the sense of adventure is very satisfying.

Control-wise, not much has changed since the first Tomb Raider game. There are now flying foxes. Climbing walls is now possible, as is the 180 flip jump, allowing Lara to change her facing direction in a jump, similar to the 180 roll. Sprinting and crouching are not introduced until Tomb Raider III. There are more weapons, with the M-16 rifle allowing for greater enemy spotting and targeting distances, rapid-fire, but also slower aiming and changing between hip fire while running, to shoulder fire when standing.

The addition of more weapons is a welcome boon due to the very large number of human foes relative to the first game. There are goons everywhere! Thankfully there is no question of whether or not to shoot these guys (unlike some other TR titles,) seeing as they are (almost) all from Bartoli's dragon cult. I say 'almost' because there are the monks of Barkhang monastery that can be friend or foe depending on how you play it. The choice is yours.

As with the first game, there are tricks to the combat that can make combat a breeze, due to the turning circle they have to take to line up a shot.

There are still too many angry animals for my liking, but I tend to play minimalist on kills, especially with animals, as I feel it is out of character.

While the vanilla is similar to the first title in terms of being too bright and making flares seem like so much useless junk, it is a little better - some dark areas I found to be a lot darker than the first game, so it's a subtle improvement, but it does still need more work. Even with mods, I found myself editing brightness and contrast for my gameplay videos I've made for youtube.

Although her signature costume makes a return, we have some additions. The diving suit is used for the four underwater levels, while the Tibet levels see her with a winter jacket.

With the large number of human foes, gameplay leans away from navigating tombs and terrain to focus more on gun combat. Some levels will be more balanced, while still other levels (like the Temple of Xian itself) are more focused on puzzle-solving and trap-dodging.

It's worth noting the secrets have changed to dragon artefacts now, and the secret chime won't play until they are picked up. The secrets are always 3 per level (except the last level, I think) and come as Stone, Jade, and Gold statuettes, with the 3rd pickup rewarding a fat special ammo bonus. It's worth collecting them all so you can unlock the bonus level, Nightmare in Vegas. For even more fun, be sure to hunt down The Golden Mask for an extra four levels. Starting a new game right after finishing the game unlocks all weapons and ammo, much the same as the first game.

For such a dated game I'm amazed how many times I've played and enjoyed this. You can speed run, set your own limitations, or just plough on through without a care. I wouldn't call it a hard game, and Lara's FMV encounters are very entertaining.

Lara - "Pardon me, if that's your way of trying the doors for me."

Goon - "Hehehehehe, with a tommy gun on my key ring!"
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I don't trade. End of discussion.
스크린샷 전시대
Ultra widescreen experiments
즐겨찾기한 가이드
187명이 평가했습니다.
If you press the 'W' key on your keyboard you will move forward! This makes navigating the wastes much easier!
동영상 전시대
Diablo 1 Intro
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§єǫuєᴋʜaɴ ⚶ 2024년 6월 5일 오후 11시 21분 
yea, the bugs are incorporated into the achieves afaik, but its good some are hard. I would do it on PSN trophies but I already have too much to catch up on lol.

TR 1 I always thought was too bright - a lot of what I do in making my videos involved making it darker lol. Having said that, the flares are supposed to be there for a reason... but when I play the older games I never needed them. I always thought a lot of areas were underground or like with TR3, London, was at night, so realistic darkness always bugged me.

I'm always amazed at speedruns and incorporating corner and wall glitches. These old titles have so much going for them haha
hymntothesea 2024년 6월 5일 오후 8시 23분 
I switched between the old and new graphics a lot especially when the room I was in got super dark in the new version. I would agree the lighting should be better. In some parts you literally can not see anything. Also I always hated the fire animation in the third game, it was sad to see that returning for all three games :NekoSad:

I believe they listen to the community, so that’s a huge plus. It was nice to see even well known bugs returning in remasters -yes I’m talking about you corner glitch- and I heard from friends that achievements are truly hard to get lol ng+ is super duper hard
hymntothesea 2024년 6월 5일 오전 8시 38분 
I totally get it, I love them with their every flaw but damn they’re not a walk in park, especially the third one. I started playing the first one, almost finished Egypt -my fav level from that game- and decided to take a break lol I know what comes next and it’s not exactly what I wanna go through right now :lunar2019laughingpig:

I’m super happy we finally got a worthy remaster, but I’m not gonna force myself to play unless I wanna see old Lara :wellok: hopefully we’ll get the other games as remasters as well, this one sold nicely so fingers crossed
hymntothesea 2024년 6월 5일 오전 7시 52분 
lol it’s a good thing I left a comment there then! Had no idea Steam kept comments after deleting & posting a new review, weird feature. Mentioning Tomb Raider, have you played the remastered version :NekoBadSmile:
§єǫuєᴋʜaɴ ⚶ 2024년 6월 4일 오후 7시 14분 
And here I was thinking it was me that did it lol. Doesn't matter.

The funny thing was, I rewrote a review for tomb raider 3 the other day, not remembering that I did one once before, and some old comments were still there after I posted the new review, and you were one of the people that commented.

So even if you delete a review, the comments stay there like ghosts lololol
hymntothesea 2024년 6월 4일 오후 5시 37분 
Hello there neighbor, thanks for the add. Always a pleasure to have more classic Lara fans in my friend’s list :xixi:

Probably a list cleaning happened lol I used to have SO MANY friends. After getting a few sus links sent my way, I did some cleanings here and there just to be safe. Not %100 sure that’s the reason BUT it’s a possibility :flswar: