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게시 일시: 2019년 2월 25일 오후 5시 29분

This is a great solitaire RPG with a decent story and excellent gameplay. The music and art suit the setting well. The game is clearly made on a budget but this didn't impact my enjoyment of the game at all.

Being a card game of this kind, there's plenty of RNG. It can sometimes lose you a run. However, you have a number of tools to deal with unfavourable situations and skilful usage of them can frequently make the difference between a clear victory and a terrible loss. In particular, spare cards and jokers in your hand, coupled with active abilities with cooldowns allow you to manipulate the board to your advantage. I'd suggest restarting most hands until you go first with a decent start to give you a higher chance of getting a win.

The RPG elements are also solid. You can customise Shadowhand (the character as which you play) using skill points and gear. For skills, I would recommend ignoring Luck and Insight as I found them less useful than the others. For equipment and weapons, you'll generally have 1 or 2 clear winners for each slot and weapon that sometime change according to your opponent strengths. Gear (single-use items) can help you out in tough fights. I ended up saving almost all my gear to the end and ended up not using any on the final boss - it may have made things easier to be a lot more liberal with gear on the earlier levels.

It is reasonably easy to 100% for those who care about such things. Completing the game on very hard also unlocks the achievements for normal and relaxed.

Overall, I'd recommend Shadowhand to anyone who likes card games. If you're looking for a fairly casual experience, I'd suggesting staying away from Very Hard mode as this makes good concentration and multiple attempts important in fights, particularly if you're trying to gold them all.
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