Brian   Oregon, United States
"True to herself", "True to myself". We all have our own personal image that's dictated by others, one that's always off the mark. We wish to remain true to ourselves, but who gets to decide who we are as people? When our image never goes hand-in-hand with reality, where can we find something genuine? Where can we find our true selves?

If wishes could be granted, if desires could be fulfilled, then I wouldn't wish or desire for anything after all. The things you're handed on a silver platter are never genuine, and never everlasting. And that is why I'll always keep searching.

"The two of us aren’t so different. My whole life I’ve desired from others. I felt bitter to the people around me and I closed off my heart. And a heart that lets nothing in, will become empty before you realize it."

"The moment you find the courage to give up your life for someone… would be the moment you understand love."

"Love is like a mirror that reflects your bad side. Especially when it’s unrequited, you get envious, jealous, prejudiced, and resentful. You have to face all sorts of emotions, but there’s no reason to find that shameful."

"But slowly I realized It was real – that you were gone. And little by little, I slowly felt something inside me go numb."

"When you are miserable, you need something that is even more miserable than you to feel good about yourself."

"The loneliest people are the kindest. The saddest people smile the brightest. The most damaged people are the wisest. All because they don’t wish to see anyone else suffer the way they did."

Misaka Ackerman <3
Rise of the Tomb Raider