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8/37 (22%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset

What a Sunny day!

Finish the Deserted Paradise
Avattu 8.9.2023 klo 6.00

a Bald Head

Finish a level without any modes or items
Avattu 8.9.2023 klo 6.00

a Good Start

Die in the first 7 seconds of a level
Avattu 8.9.2023 klo 5.53

Flawless Victory

Finish a level without skipping a single foe
Avattu 8.9.2023 klo 6.00

This game is about Pushing Buttons

Miss 10 times
Avattu 8.9.2023 klo 6.27

Just like Good Ol' Times

Jump on 9 heads using an "Italian" mode
Avattu 8.9.2023 klo 6.29

Could it get any worse? (Yes)

Die 5 times. [Unlocks curses]
Avattu 8.9.2023 klo 5.56

Who came up with this idea?

Get cursed 5 times
Avattu 8.9.2023 klo 6.27

Rest in Peace, Skeletons

Finish the Ancient Graveyard

Goats can jump twice!

Finish the Barren Mountains

I Run like the Wind!

Finish the Mysterious Forest

Ouch, Spiky!

Finish the Thorny Jungle

Can someone turn on the Light?

Finish the Gloomy Caves

I am so close!

Finish the Solitary Dungeon

Is that.. the End?

Finish the Game (any Ending)

Underwater Treasures

Finish the Deserted Paradise with a "Sunken Tombs" mode

So much money! (No)

Collect 99 coins in one "Leprechaun" run

the True Rambo

Kill >90.00 foes with a "One Punch" mode

Slow-Motion bullets

Finish the Jungle level with a "Sharingan" mode

The Speedrunner Guy

Survive 12 seconds in a "Bolt" mode

Mind = Blown

Kill 15 foes in "Reverse" mode

What could possibly go wrong?

Survive 10 seconds in a "Ghost" mode

the Herbalist

Collect 9 herbs in "Flap" mode using the "Herb Knife"

This game is about Jumping

Jump 250 times

Can you fall on the Ceiling?

Die on the Spikes on the Ceiling

Don't look at me!

Survive 7 Eye clips

I believe I can Fly

Jump 29 times while "Drunk"

Future Multimillionaire

Manually pick up 49 coins using the "Pick em' Up" mode

This shirt costs 99.99 Dollars

Slay 99 foes

the True Pirate

Combine some stuff to become a Pirate

the True Santa

Become the "full" Santa by a chance!

the Bad Boy

Accept some suspicious offer

the Good Boy

Deny an offer from a Stranger

the Saint Boy

Get rewarded for your Good Deeds

This seems to be the End

Finish the game as the Good Boy

the Holy Boy

Finish 3 levels in a row in the "Ironman" mode

a Hero.

You have seen it all.