Peliaika viimeisen 2 viikon aikana:

Näytä maailmanlaajuiset saavutustilastot
Tilastojen vertailu omiisi vaatii kirjautumista
26/43 (60%) saavutuksista avattu:
Henkilökohtaiset saavutukset


Succeed at every heroquest
Avattu 28.8.2015 klo 11.21

Clan Maker

Create a new clan by splitting
Avattu 21.8.2015 klo 1.00

Tribe Maker

Forge other clans into a tribe
Avattu 21.8.2015 klo 4.20

Otherworld Return

Find your way home after being lost in the Otherworld
Avattu 21.8.2015 klo 6.27

Kallyr’s Destiny

Achieve Kallyr the Hero’s destiny
Avattu 13.7.2016 klo 11.57


Have a clan leader elected as tribal queen
Avattu 22.8.2015 klo 1.53

Ten Year Queen

Win the Ten Year Ring as tribal queen
Avattu 22.8.2015 klo 4.43


Have a clan leader elected as tribal king
Avattu 21.8.2015 klo 4.33

Ten Year King

Win the Ten Year Ring as tribal king
Avattu 21.8.2015 klo 21.01


Complete the tutorial
Avattu 20.8.2015 klo 22.17

Cattle Raider

Succeed at five cattle raids in a row
Avattu 20.8.2015 klo 23.37

Cattle Raid Master

Succeed at ten cattle raids in a row
Avattu 21.8.2015 klo 1.17


Succeed at five raids in a row
Avattu 21.8.2015 klo 0.46

Raid Master

Succeed at ten raids in a row
Avattu 21.8.2015 klo 2.06

Peace Clan Victory

Win as a peace clan
Avattu 21.8.2015 klo 21.01

Plow Triceratops

Train big lizards as beasts of burden
Avattu 21.8.2015 klo 6.11

War Triceratops

Train big lizards as battle mounts
Avattu 28.8.2015 klo 10.34


Have 25 points of clan magic
Avattu 21.8.2015 klo 1.57

Peace Maker

End a feud
Avattu 21.8.2015 klo 3.00


Build a shrine to every deity
Avattu 21.8.2015 klo 20.42


Learn every mystery
Avattu 28.8.2015 klo 10.40

Fort Builder

Build every fortification
Avattu 21.8.2015 klo 0.27

Hard Victory

Earn the Ten Year Ring at the Hard level
Avattu 22.8.2015 klo 4.43


Give a clan a new name
Avattu 21.8.2015 klo 6.48

Tribal Warrior

Win a tribal war
Avattu 21.8.2015 klo 20.55


Achieved Theya’s destiny
Avattu 13.7.2016 klo 12.39

Queen of Dragon Pass

Become Queen of Dragon Pass

King of Dragon Pass

Become King of Dragon Pass

Master Explorer

Explore the map of Dragon Pass
0 / 100


Hoard 25 treasures
0 / 100

Hard Kingdom Victory

Become King or Queen of Dragon Pass at the Hard level

12 piilotettua saavutusta jäljellä

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