Cyber Goblin
Cuck Goblin   Texas, United States
My name is Cuck Goblin. As long as I have known him, it has been my life's goal to cuck Spiderman. Over the years I've come close, but I never succeeded. As such I have pursued many avenues to success, turning to cuck magic and and the scientific field of cuckology (which, yes, I did found). My efforts led me to one day create a substance that my grandfather, Pappy Goblin, dedicated his whole life to distilling. Alas, he was never successful. But I was.
Cuckoldry gas.
But it did not work as intended, as it was still experimental. After inhaling this experimental cuckoldry gas, I became permanently connected to the UltraWeb. From that day forward, I was known as... Cyber Goblin.

Please buy my toilet paper.
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