Patrick Bujalski
Cringe Introduction bellow, read at your own risk.

Yes indeed, the power of masturbation blessed me with an unlimited power of a Dark Cumlord, which granted me the immortality till my virginity shall be lost

Thou i am vested upon a curse which does not allow for my chasity to be stained or i shall be doomed for endless fap to hentai till i go mad

Thx for visiting my profile you solid lad this is how do i blaze weed m9 with dank fireball, git gud with it son, improve your skillz IRL
idk, n0 one cares;get laid

How do i get laid?

Yes Indeed, the power of the dark cumlord have been suppressed by the hero of the long shaft, using his epic powers with help of his anal maid they menaged to cast sperm banishment spell on the dark cumlord and put a curse of never being able to ♥♥♥ on him... driven by insanity he killed himself.
The end.
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last played on 28 May
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last played on 25 May
aruari 2 hours ago 
dude has 120 ping and 3f rollback, loses 3-0, doesnt rematch. uninstall the game dude.
TTV WolvenLilith 18 May @ 12:44pm 
"Oh, The Nurse DC'd because she's having a bad game, Let me harass and torment her."
I hope you seek the medical Attention you need. Get well soon <3
imjay 14 May @ 3:53pm 
-rep very toxic noed trickster nodding for no reason
Kate <3 Scotty PDS 14 May @ 10:21am 
enjoy the ban punk
Homelander 13 May @ 8:52am 
-rep needs to seek help
Alex 12 May @ 8:37am 
Doesn't help against the Skull Merchant stereotype unfortunately. Ruining people's games just to stroke the toxic ego.