Los Angeles, California, United States
A soul in tension -- that's learning to fly
Condition grounded but determined to try

Can't keep my eyes from the circling skies
Tongue-tied and twisted just an earth-bound misfit, I...

If you're trying to learn a game and improve your skills, what is most important thing to do?

Watching the best player is an awesome way to learn small tricks and positions a pro uses and see exactly how he’s thinking. Make sure you're watching a quality demo though, where he’s playing against another top pros or at least an up and coming pro. You don’t want to watch him play a noob, as it’ll just be owning someone who is just really bad.

So watching demos is great right? To an extent. You need to experience these experiences yourself! So watching demos should be like 10-15% of your time, and the other time being, practice practice practice… Don’t think watching demos is going to make you the best player in the world overnight. You need to learn why, how, when, what this game is throwing at you. When you have an answer to every situation, then you're going to be on your way to the top… Then it's just a matter of doing it faster and faster and always being a step ahead of your opponent.

So watch some demos, try out some tactics you learned from watching the pros, and just try to experience every situation 100′s, if not 1,000′s of times to perfect it!

Practice, practice, practice.
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