a fiókon

Lysergicaciddiethylamide legutóbbi értékelései

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Még senki sem ítélte hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
44.7 óra a nyilvántartásban (43.4 óra az értékeléskor)
The game itself is good. The problem is that its loading times are unreasonable for a platformer and you get thrown out of rounds A LOT... and when i say a lot i mean A LOT! but all of that wouldnt matter if the game wouldnt just randomly crash every now and then mid round and you cant rejoin and dont get rewards and nothing...
Közzétéve: június 29.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
Még senki sem ítélte hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
1,991.1 óra a nyilvántartásban (1,487.2 óra az értékeléskor)
th game used to be very good but it isnt anymore. at this point im convinced that the people in charge for balancing dont actually play the game themselfs because if they did they knew that not touching axe for 100 patches while nerfing EVERY other weapons is a horrible idea. The three strongest weapons are only strong because their hitboxes are busted but if it was only for that part i'd not complain but EVERYBODY is spamming signatures and is not playing properly. it isnt even that i dont win it is simply not fun at all to play like this... ad ♥♥♥♥♥♥ signature fatigue or ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ adjust the hitboxes already. For real BMG your game is about to die and everyone seems to know why but you. go and do something about it because as of this day the game is unplayable!!! ... Oh yeah almost forgot to mention that they are releasing broken champions after broken champion with hitboxes so huge that i had to buy an extra wide screen just to see the whole ♥♥♥♥♥♥ animation. BMG is letting the community down so hard that im uninstalling after 2000 hours of playtime because my last like 200 hours were just pure pain. But keep bringing out these brutally expensive skins for your completely unbalanced 2D plattformer... that will help
Közzétéve: 2023. május 30. Legutóbb szerkesztve: július 4.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
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