Kikinini 21 Jun, 2017 @ 10:19pm 
Do you:
* hate yourself
* have snake condoms
* post dank memes
* spend too much money on fidget spinner sex toys
* have an autistic fit whenever you think about the emoji movie
* eat bread flavored ice cream
* use whom'st in real life discussion
* scream "🅱" at your friends

Vladooha 10 Jan, 2017 @ 7:26am 
+REP 4 PRETI CUL GYRL ON AVATAR :sunglassesDoge:
dani3045 8 Nov, 2016 @ 11:19am 
-Rep satanic, goat loving, bottle flipping, ISIS member, twin tower bombing little prick who loves mlp and has a head more tapped then my iPad when i play cookie clicker.
dani3045 13 Oct, 2016 @ 9:25pm 
dani3045 13 Oct, 2016 @ 9:25pm 
dani3045 13 Oct, 2016 @ 9:25pm 
dani3045 13 Oct, 2016 @ 9:25pm 
dani3045 13 Oct, 2016 @ 9:25pm 
dani3045 28 Sep, 2016 @ 11:15am 
-rep druggie

"what's his preferred drug?" I hear you ask...

It's Crack Cocaine mixed with blended fetus placenta (not even add majonez)

Shame on you, Vasya

Love, Boris, slav superstar and sashlik king
dani3045 18 Aug, 2016 @ 1:08pm 
━━━━━┓  \  ┃You have been visited
 / \  ┃  /  ┃
    \ ┃ /   ┃
     \┃/    ┃
┏━━━━(♥♥♥)━━━━┛By the windmill
┃    /┃ \
┃  /  ┃  \
┃ /   ┃   \/
┃ \   ┗━━━━━ Of friendship