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Análises recentes de Atomic Poet

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It has Trash Pandas I can put in zoos. I have Trash Pandas that try to tear in my roof, infiltrate my garbage cans and try to steal my cats food constantly. But they are cute and naughty. Kinda like me. HA! Great content for Nocturnes
Publicada em 26 de outubro de 2022.
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6.5 horas registradas (2.0 horas no momento da análise)
Best Father Son Simulator of all time. Just like me and Pops on our adventures back in the day. Shines on PC
Publicada em 28 de abril de 2022. Última edição em 28 de abril de 2022.
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11.9 horas registradas (3.7 horas no momento da análise)
Qui Gon sounds like Sean Connery in his dialogue. This is Battlefront 2 for 5 year olds. And me and my 5 year old son are having a blast playing Co Op together.
Publicada em 5 de abril de 2022.
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0.0 horas registradas
A few years ago us gamers let Paradox know our push back on the DLCs and lack of content. So they told us in advance these would be heftier DLCs at $30. After playing this Ive come to the conclusion they werent typing with a straight face their heftier packages, but I cant see how this is $30 worth. There is no way this can be justified at $30.
The content does add more in terms of role playing and handling multi cultural and this is where it really begins to break away from CK2 altogether. But buyer be forewarned. Its like a mystery box you hope for the rare item only to find a $15 dollar item you spent $30 for.
I do enjoy the content but thumbs down for price.
Publicada em 9 de fevereiro de 2022. Última edição em 9 de fevereiro de 2022.
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161.1 horas registradas (23.7 horas no momento da análise)
This game is 1/3 a Clint Eastwood spaghetti western
1/3 a John Wayne western
and 1/3 Blazing Saddles (comedy as only Rockstar can deliver in what can happen in a game)
And I love it...
Publicada em 3 de agosto de 2021.
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Pre purchased the DLC. Playing the FLC first. This is best FLC for me. The rune rework is much better and adds much more flavor to a race that got a little bland imo. The starting points for both Vortex and Mortal Empires are night and day but both similar as they stay in the lower South East of both maps. So Thorek is going up through the jungles on his quest in Vortex more or less and starts off in the hot south in the old world with a bunch of Greenskins ahead. So you get the traditional in Mortal Empires and now the Dawi on a Thorek crusade in Vortex. If you are even semi dwarf fan. I think you will like this. But note Im only 5 hours in. But I would have paid for this.
Publicada em 14 de julho de 2021.
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20.8 horas registradas (3.4 horas no momento da análise)
Sauron "Get off my lawn"
Publicada em 16 de abril de 2021.
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6.7 horas registradas (0.7 horas no momento da análise)
So I spent a fortune on an HP Omen with an RTX graphics card. So this game was included as a bonus as a promotion for the RTX card. It's free so I can't knock it. But I wouldn't recommend full price. However if you got a spare $1500 just laying around, I do recommend a computer upgrade if you need one to get it free...
Publicada em 9 de abril de 2021.
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2 pessoas acharam esta análise engraçada
76.3 horas registradas (29.2 horas no momento da análise)
This is written from a perspective of a veteran Warhammer tabletop miniature player to others. In 1984 I bought the somewhat rough 1st edition of Warhammer. At 16, I couldnt afford much, so my group would use Roman numeral color coded Risk pieces instead of miniatures. There was very little in terms of lore. That would change, drastically and my wallet would bare the brunt as each edition came out.
A year prior My first gaming console was ColecoVision and in the words of Elrond. "I was there 3000 years ago Gandalf, when men stepped out of the shackles of Pong and brought colorful consoles to our color TVs at home and nothing was ever the same." How naive we thought it doesnt get better than this.
Decades later the miniature tabletop battle game forged a holy alliance with Creative Assembly and their Sega overlords and delivered this. For my tastes in games this is the Magnum Opus. The mother of all games. If you liked Warhammer and its lore go digital. Ive played the historicals in Total War. I love those. But when you see a Dark Elf War Hydra take on a Norscan Mastadon that is running rampant in your lines, the miniature game and historical Total Wars will just seem lame and take up too much of your spare room or basement and the history based games dry. Ive always loved the Warhammer world, from their blatant borrowing from many themes. Tolkien, Moorcock, real world ECT and putting their own twist and spin. Its the Disneyworld of fantasy realms. This game captures its magic. Ive only put in 30 hours. But thats going to change. Great game this holy alliance has done. However the DLC's may seem unholy to some. There are many. However if you played the tabletop, this is chicken change. See how much it would cost for actual figures for all these units? Go digital, save money...
Publicada em 2 de abril de 2021. Última edição em 2 de abril de 2021.
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0.0 horas registradas
I was on the fence if Paradox would make this game better from the staleness upon release. This DLC and update fully knocks me off the fence that they have update by update. And quite honestly compared to other paradox titles, this one has put reasonable DLC and pricing with it so far. Im willing to buy a heftier DLC if one was made for the simple fact Paradox did not simply abandon it or use a bigger DLC with price as the carrot on the stick to keep the design team funded. Is it perfect? No. Is it much more in depth as you wanted it to be upon release? Yes. So for that I give the game a long awaited thumbs up from me.
Publicada em 16 de fevereiro de 2021.
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