Jesper D   Praesto, Storstrom, Denmark
-rep this guy sux
Dear Teammates, Opponents, and Spectators,

Before we begin, I would like to take a moment to extend my sincerest apologies in advance for what may very well be a less-than-stellar performance in this match of Counter-Strike 2. While I will, of course, give my utmost effort to contribute to the team and perform at my best, I feel it is only fair to set proper expectations beforehand, given the potential challenges and shortcomings I may face during the game.

1. Technical and Equipment Issues
First and foremost, I must acknowledge that I may be experiencing some hardware or technical limitations. Whether it's lag, an unstable internet connection, or an outdated graphics card, these issues might impede my performance from time to time. If I suddenly freeze in place, miss shots, or seem out of sync with the game, please know that I am not intentionally sabotaging the game, but am merely struggling with forces beyond my control.

2. Lack of Experience
Additionally, I must admit that I may not be as familiar with Counter-Strike 2 as I would like to be. The game has undergone changes, and my muscle memory may not be fully adjusted yet. This may result in slow reactions, poorly executed strategies, or plain old-fashioned bad aim. Please bear with me if I accidentally miss a crucial headshot, mismanage my economy, or, heaven forbid, forget to defuse the bomb. I promise I am trying to improve!

3. Tactical Missteps
My strategic decision-making might also fall short of expectations. Whether it's poor communication, rotating too late, or peeking when I shouldn’t, I fully anticipate that I might occasionally make the wrong call. To the teammates who may be forced to endure my mistakes, I truly appreciate your patience, and I can only hope to learn from these errors to become a better player in the long run.

4. Unfortunate Timing and Luck
Sometimes, no matter how hard I try, luck just isn’t on my side. Whether it's getting one-shot by an enemy waiting around the corner or timing a grenade throw just as the enemy rushes the bombsite, I acknowledge that luck (or the lack thereof) may result in unfavorable outcomes. To my teammates, if I fall victim to such misfortune, please know that I am as disappointed as you are, and I can only hope for better luck next round.

5. Unforeseen Distractions
Real life is unpredictable, and there may be moments where I’m distracted by outside circumstances. Whether it's a phone call, a barking dog, or an urgent message, I apologize in advance if I need to briefly step away or if my focus wavers for even a second. In a game as fast-paced and unforgiving as Counter-Strike 2, even a brief lapse in concentration can be costly, and I regret if this negatively affects the team’s chances of victory.

6. General Incompetence
Lastly, there’s always the possibility that, despite everything going smoothly, I just play poorly. Whether I get outplayed by more skilled opponents or make blunders that defy explanation, I can only apologize profusely in advance. Should I miss an easy shot, fail to call out enemy positions, or make a generally inexplicable decision, know that I am fully aware of the weight of my mistakes and am already cringing internally.

In conclusion, I want to assure you all that, despite these potential shortcomings, I am here to have fun and do my best. I understand that my performance may not always be up to the standards you expect, and for that, I am deeply sorry. Please trust that I am striving to improve, and I am grateful for your patience and understanding as I work to better my gameplay. I look forward to the match, and regardless of the outcome, I hope we can all enjoy the game together. Let’s have fun and keep things positive, no matter how many times I mess up!

Thank you for your understanding and, most importantly, for not kicking me from the match.

Sincerely, SalsaFisk
SalsaFisk 6. zář. v 15.56 
big man
Valle 6. zář. v 15.46 
lil kid
SalsaFisk 14. čvc. v 13.30 
-rep plays bad hahaha
Queen bot ala evert 19. dub. v 14.05 
kankaroo guy
Queen bot ala evert 19. dub. v 14.04 
fanny guy
Queen bot ala evert 19. dub. v 14.04 