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Reseñas recientes de Sairek Ceareste

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385.2 h registradas (337.7 h cuando escribió la reseña)
20XX is a MegaMan Roguelike (or Roguelight) that, while yes, randomness is certainly a thing, it will really be your own skills and reflexes as a gamer that will carry you far into the game. While collecting random power-ups to make yourself stronger is useful, it's ultimately your ability to play that will decide whether you succeed or fail. Not if you were lucky or not.

Despite that, many level blocks that are randomly generated through level seeds, with random powerups and a large item pool to boot, each run will be a very unique challenge that you will have to tackle through and shouldn't get boring easily (I don't have over 300 hours for nothing).

Make no mistake, this game doesn't not have any (real) permanent upgrade system. There's a couple permanent upgrades to help you out, but ultimately it is you as a gamer who is the one who will be challenged. Not how many stats you obtain on Nina, the Megaman X-esque character who blasts her foes away with a giant arm cannon, or Ace, the Zero-like man, who goes in slicing in dicing with saber like weapons... or axes... or spears... or glaives.
The one who gets stronger with each one will be YOU. The player. As your skills become more and more refined, you will find that each death will get further apart. You may die on level 3. And then level 4. Then level 6. Until eventually you get to the final challenge -- and probably die a few times there too. But each time you get there, you will get a little bit stronger, as you increase your arsenal of items you can find.

And then when you finally beat the game, you look, to see all of these difficulty modifiers to challenge yourself even more, to make yourself even stronger as a player by handicapping yourself. And then when you've refined your skills up even more, testing your skills in the daily and weekly challenges to try and be #1 on the leader boards may not seem like such a daunting task to do afterall.

Also, the music is really awesome. Don't believe me? Then I invite you to stay a while, and listen: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLfBZ73Q4L8MkIxYMjDfgyfUS0oPSTOKaY
Publicada el 16 de agosto de 2017.
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87.5 h registradas (27.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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Patches that break the game for certain people in making players teleport despite one's internet connection make the game unplayable. It doesn't help that their support acknowledges it's not a connection problem, yet refuse to respond further in order to assist in fixing it.

A game that just breaks out of nowhere for a small number of people to be literally unplayable after a small patch when it worked just fine for months is one I just simply can't recommend in good faith.

Brawlhalla is a good *free* game; but I'd recommend waiting a little longer until some of the spaghetti coding is fixed first in order to avoid frustrations like mine.
Perhaps after the game has been released on the PS4; when the game will be in C++ coding instead may be a good timeframe as that's where hopefully most of the game's underlying issues will be ironed out and you will probably have a much smoother experience than all of these technical issues. Otherwise, you may be stuck with a broken game and their support may not help you out.
Publicada el 31 de julio de 2016.
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371.7 h registradas (47.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Mirror's Edge is a diamond in the rough, but despite being a jewel, it is a flawed diamond. While being unique and certainly having it owns personality, the game does indeed have its flaws, quite a lot of them, but some are more negliable than others.

First off, this game runs beautifully. It's one of the better optimized games out there and its visuals are quite stunning for its time. Even if your computer is a "potato" like mine is, you could probably still runs this game decently, if not well.

This game is short though. It can be beaten in under an hour, although for the first time going through the game, you will most likely die many times. It's a bit of a trial and error process and it will take a while to get the execution down. Checkpoints are quite forgiving though and you will rarely find yourself going back more than a buildings away except on a few occasions.

You may also find yourself screaming "Faith! Why didn't you grab that ledge/pipe/pole/railing?!" Even the best Speedrunners ask this question. Sometimes Faith, the character you control, has other things to do. Fortunately these situations are rare, although I find chapter 2 seems to have the most occurances of this problem, in particular, a certain pipe near the end of the stage.
The game also tends to crash, at least for me. Not often but enough to be noticable. Even if it does crash though, the game autosaves often, and continuation checkpoints are fairly frequent so you don't lose more than a minute or two of progress at best. It could also simply be something with my PC the game doesn't like for some reason.

The game has a story, but I personally did not enjoy it very much, as do many of the fans of the game. In fact, this game has been announced to not being canon at all to the sequel that is being currently made, so be prepared to not be impressed.

The game, mechanically, when you finally figure out what you are doing, flows well, but not without its errors. The whole point of the game is to avoid enemies, but there will be many times where you will be forced to fight enemies. Combat itself isn't bad, and can be fun, if it weren't for the fact that disarming your foes wasn't too easy and rewarding to not do it everytime. You will often find yourself running up to an opponent, standing there waiting for them to melee you, and then simply tapping the disarm button to not only grab their weapon, but to knock them out, all at the press of a button. It's not very rewarding when you can run along the wall and kick them, or do a drop kick followed by a furry of punches. Or to aim a jump from above and land right on top of them for a quick take down.
This is further plagued with the flow of the game frequently being broken up with climbing through vents, or slower jumping sections that serve as points to load the stage further ahead. Or a point in the stage where you have to slooooowly turn a valve to turn off steam that is blocking your way, or even waiting for a door to -very- slowly open 15 or so seconds later.

Also as you see from the screenshots, this game is very white. Even the few trees that exist in the game are white. In fact, even some roads appear to be white in brightly lit areas. The game still manages to be beautiful though even though at times it seems to lack color in the environment that could have easily been used. The 9th stage (which is the 7th chapter) is my favorite.

I love the game's soundtrack. The ambiance is great and the soft musical notes you hear during the calmer portions of the game is nice, the music for when you are being chased is great. All of the music just really fits into the entire game, and what is going on at the time. The game is actually quite good, as the music will change slightly as you go through. The notes and beat may just change slightly when you go from one building to another, or when you do a certain thing. It may be playing an upbeat music as you get chased through a building, pause for just a brief second as you finally bust your way through the door, your vision slightly blurry as you adjust to the brightness of the sun and when the animation completes, the music continues on again just slightly differently as you now begin jumping over obstacles to get away as bullets whiz by you. And with how fluid the first person motions are, it's actually quite immersive.

This game is not open ended. Every level has a path you have to go through, but there are many ways to get from the start of a stage to the end of one. A novice parkour takes the stairs like a pedestrian. A master parkour will run along a wall, climb up it, jump, and leap over the railing to get up a flight of stairs.

This game... it has bugs. It actually has a lot of bugs. Yet, at least the mechanical ones oddly enhances the gameplay (usually).

For example, taking corners loses you speed, and it can take some time to build back up to a full on sprint again. But doing a sideways jump and turning yourself right lets you take corners with losing little to no momentum. It takes moments where even where you're just running become parts where you are executing commands at every turn in order to keep the maximum momentum of your sprint to get from point A to point B as fast as possible. Through exploits in the mechanics, you can make otherwise impossible jumps into possible, yet risky but rewarding jumps or falls you would otherwise not be able to make or survive which makes speed running this game a joy. You quite literally begin forming your own paths that not even the game designers intended you to take which at least for me is the ultimate joy. It opens the game so much for when you even go beyond the boundries than the game even intended you to go, where a section that normally takes 2 minutes to get through, you managed to go through in mere seconds. It takes a bit of time to get there, but ultimately this isn't a game you're supposed to beat once. It's a game you are to beat it again, and again, and again, where you will finally start getting the ultimate satisfaction from it; when you are flawlessly jumping over this, vaulting over that, not losing a tiny bit of momentum and are continiously running and keeping your speed in a marvelous flow.

Eventually you may even reach the point where, you too, can quite literally vertically climb up an entire building with a combination of side hopping against a wall and then jumping back up in the air to scramble up it, and thusly reach out of bounds on the map as a result.
They said they wanted Faith to be an ordinary heroine without any special powers, but when she is able to jump in mid-air by pressing the jump button after kicking from a wall at the exact right time, I beg to differ.

Ultimately, I'd recommend it, but I would say to wait on a good sale for it. As good as the game is (in my opinion), unless you plan to hard core play the game, it's a bit too short to be sweet enough for the standard pricing point.
I'd also strongly recommend watching a couple of Youtube videos of it before considering picking it up in the first place. Maybe one of some guy going through it the first time, to see how it's like and give you a moment to realize the mechanics at a reasonable pace. Then, go watch a video of a pro going at it to see the ultimate flow of the game. If you like the mechanics and you like the flow, then it should be a good game for your Games Library.
Publicada el 2 de enero de 2015.
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